Arcemius' Art Thread - Newest: Big Johnny Bronze

Printer? Paper? What is that?


This is hilarious. :joy: I’m completely in awe at the craftsmanship of that masterpiece. Just glad I can help lighten people’s days doing what I love!

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Thank you @Arcemius I’m sure one day with enough practice, you too can be an MS Paint master.


Zaejin Usurper
He wasn’t the first Goblin King… he won’t be the last.


He even carry the Fleshripper, so awesome!! ^^

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:grin: Thank you! There aren’t very many cool looking weapons from Zaejin, so luckily Fleshripper was among them.

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Infernal Ishbaala
Talk about a divine nerf!


I volunteer as playtester, i’ll make sure to get everything about her sorted out. :star_struck:
Nice interpretation and as always great details.
Extra likes the system won’t register under your post: :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

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Teenie Queenie Mab
Pocket sized for any occasion.


Big Johnny Bronze
He had a lot more extra belt loops for his Swashbucklin’ belt buckle back in those days.


I prefer to think he’s been always fat/overweight. It would make his seduction tactics/sex appeal more Epic. :wink:


I don’t know too much about his lore, but I like pirates and I think he’s an interesting troop!

He is Tiry’s father so he found a map to an elf’s undergarments at some point.
Here is another piece of lore involving him that you may have missed:

(Scylla’s part.)

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So, did he adopt Tyri? Because I always wondered this. I usually skip most of the dialogue, but I did manage to catch that much, and it always confused me as to how a human can father an elf.

I was also VERY confused as to how Arachnean Weaver was part elf, but then I read that it’s something like a god that takes over Elvish priestesses or something?

Lyya’s site has the Quest Dialogues if you want to re-read them. It gets touched on very lightly in Blackhawk I believe. (Been a while since I did the quest line myself)

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I’ll have to skim over it then, because it PUZZLES me. <— Weak pun.

Update: Didn’t find my answer in Blackhawk dialogue. I’ll check Tyri’s questline.
Update2: Nope. Oh well.


I don’t think it’s stated explicitly in-game, but Nimhain has confirmed a few times on the forums that: