Anyone else annoyed they can't get the one last dragon/boss?

Like I said, you are a not presetting the facts if you think his followers is small. Try as you want, you are spreading false information. Kind of makes people wonder what your real agenda is. Sinnycool is the second largest youtuber by a huge number. He is the reason there are many people still playing and learning the game. Please tell me how many follow you? Based on your false information spreading, it would be low.

I’m no dev. But can we all agree that this discussion is off topic?!


Got derailed a long time ago :laughing:


Who cares?

I mean you, clearly. But no matter how many followers someone has, they can still be in the wrong.


In this case he is not. He does not fluff his takes like the lower ones.
Ignoring his opinions on gems of war is your loss.

And I’m not saying he’s an authority but you clearly think he is one.

He is wrong.

I and many others don’t care if you or him or the prince of Egypt have a specific troop or pet. It doesn’t make it any more desirable.

And just because he’s a YouTube creator or because you like him doesn’t make that right, either.

Maybe you personally want something more because he has it but I could not care any less. Not because it’s Sinny but because I don’t want things because others have them.

Many others already had Fallen Valdis before I got her - and yet she didn’t become any more wanted by me.

And as for the “play more” part - maybe not strictly wrong but it’s also not very helpful.

“The lower ones” :rofl: - Are you for real?


Being a youtuber doesn’t mean your opinion is always right. Here is an example


My goodness. My guy is more important than your guy because my guy has folks that follow his every word. This is the discussion in a nutshell. I don’t remember who said it but making things a little less than impossible to get is something I can agree with. Just play more is a hard nope.


Coming from Youtube to the forums to make subtle insults doesn’t make you right. Leave that attitude on YouTube

I actually might play less since playing more isnt working at all. Telling people to play more isnt helpful in the slightest. I know my experiences are extremely unique but i played more on Vault weekend (3k trophies starting on Friday). I used 14 Paloozas and farmed outside of that, 214 vault keys, 30 or so epics. I saw 2 dragonite gnomes the entire weekend, i dont think it worked.


Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve closed this topic as the discussion has derailed and has become argumentative.

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