Gem dragons and other feedback

I was told to post here after i sent an email to the devs and got a generic response. This was all prompted after one of my guildmates quit the game suddenly due to oppresive rng. He was unable to get the last gem dragon he needed after multiple eggs. I am experiencing the same situation, as are many other gems players. In my last 9 egg hatchings , ive gotten 1 dragon that wasnt a dupe. I have 6 eklipsos and solarithus, 3 lunarelleon and meteoridan, and 2 comethalas. When i was trying to get diamantina it was much of the same as my first 6 eggs were all yellow dragons. There is no bad luck protection to prevent this from happening and its not like you can trade extra gem dragons for the ones you do not have. If you could trade the dupes back in for say half your dragonite back or trade 6 or so for the dragons you dont have this might not be so frustrating. Do you have any idea how long it takes to save up 1650 dragonite( i do my egg decryptions 3 at a time)?This isnt the case so im inclined to believe this is a feature and not a bug. I havent seen a sentinel in the underspire in 2 months after clearing between 120 and 140 rooms every week. Im also missing almost 40 mythics but 1 out of every 6 i get is unowned. Youre driving your player base away with this level of frustration and i will be next if my next set of decryptions dont yield what i need.


It is pretty sad how adamant the developers are about not making that obviously needed qol improvement of no dupes past 4 copies for all soulforge egg dragons.


It sucks because dragonite is one of tge most expensive and rare currencies in the game. I was shocked that my guildmate quit like that. He donated all his gold and quit without so much as a bye lol

We had the same thing happen in our guild with a long term player recently, for the same reason. :sob:

The official response – to the extent that we even have one – is that the devs’ higher priorities right now are Guild Wars (and PVP generally).

It does not make the “RNG just gonna RNG” any less frustrating, of course.

They are well within their rights to prioritize the problems with the game however they see fit. This has been a problem long before they broke pvp so im getting the feeling that rng is working as intended. I spend money on this game so its well within my rights to go support another game that will respect my time and monetary contribution a little more than whats currently being done. Im not taking shots at anyone that has responded just venting a little bit of my frustration in a public forum


I’m a former daily player and spender. Now I just log in weekly to check the Soul Forge and I log off. I have hope things can get better. But as it stands I’m refusing to engage with the game in any significant way because of the current gem dragon situation and because it’s gone from daily gems fun to daily laundry list with random restrictions fun.

Hopefully the devs find the time to address this before too many more players feel the way your guild mates and myself do.


Sorry to burst your bubble - I do have Stellarix and PVP is still as frustrating as anything. Because the AI is overpowered and gets tons of extra turns and loops…the way it plays with Stellarix is not the way you will be able to play with it.

Yes there are some teams to counteract it - but that involves changing up teams (a big pain in PVP as it takes time) and equipping classes that I have already leveled whilst my unleveled classes make no progress.

Other than that - yes the RNG nonsense is terrible. I suffered with the previous set of dragons so I understand the pain.

Both these things though - crazy difficult PVP matches (like playing Guild Wars all day long) and frustrating RNG - is definitely making players quit.

Heck all day long all you see in ingame chat is people posting they are looking for players for their guilds that are getting more empty day-by-day.

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