Any more use for dragonite?

I have 4 Diamantina’s and am now trying to get 4 of each Boss dragon. Only 3 more needed (1+2). In hindsight, a bad idea, what with the 7 new dragons.

Because that’s how developers of these sorts of games keep the veterans playing. If they allow us to burn the massive piles of old currency on the new content, many of those veterans will be in a position to finish everything as soon as it debuts from all the (stuff) we’ve accumulated.

The developers want our time and our eyeballs. Our money, too, but they’ll settle for the previous sentence if they can’t get cash out of us. So by offering new currency for new content, either we have to spend time and effort playing their game to accumulate it all or we at least have to fork over real money for the privilege of speeding through that content.

Calling it now: Starry Dragonite :upside_down_face:


Okay, I’m going to guess my own term for the new resource that is going to be needed to acquire the new starry dragons–“Astralite.”

Oh, and I might as well guess the new daily offer for acquiring this resource in the new pvp shop. Let’s say, 500 gems for 100 Astralite?:rofl:


And you only get it from disenchanting gem dragons, 20 each. That will keep dragonite in demand for the next decades and solve the issue of unwanted duplicates. :clown_face: