It seems unlikely tesla has gotten much focus this week with the bombot providing lightning quick wins, but just wondering if people got any good tesla action going on?
I did for a while, Valk/Tesla/Tesla/Mercy. If you only have one Tesla, I guess some armor buffer can be placed instead of the second one.
It worked quite well, though Bombots overshadowed everything else this week as you said. I believe Tesla should work magnificently every week against the boosted teams, since more enemy armor = more damage.
I forget who posted this team (mraider?)
Sentry Bot
Mechanist/prismatic orb
I had tons of fun with it this week.
Northrender (or been trying with The Devoted lately)
Queen Ysabelle***
Corrupt Sorceress
Kraken Banner or Scale Banner
My current build is:
《Suncrest banner》
It works against bombot even which was my main issue with other version swapping heronath with crescendo
I haven’t used the heronath version to race yet but was getting around 100t/1hr with crescendo early in the week, but ya bombot got me 150t/1hr so for racing that just made more sense lol
Been having fun with:
I have Crescendo as an additional true dmg dealer, plus to fill out the green/purple mana.
Ya when I ran gorgotha/crescendo/tesla/mercy i only cast crescendo when it would gain an extra turn cuz otherwise it slowed the deck down. 100t/1hr with that setup tho and I think it’s faster than with heronath but often lost to bombot whereas I’m not having that problem with current build