ANNOUNCE: Kingdom Power Checklist

Someone pointed out the text isn’t searchable on the forums. Let’s try this:

Tasks to Raise Kingdom Power

Power Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Bonus
1 2 troops 1 troop to L5 Complete Quests +100 Gold per day
2 4 troops 3 troops to L10 Kingdom Level 5 Double Tribute reward
3 1 weapon 3 Traits on 4 troops 2 Epic troops +200 Gold per day
4 8 troops 5 troops to L15 Kingdom Level 10 Double Tribute chance
5 1 weapon maxed 3 Traits on 7 troops Legendary troop +1 Kingdom skill bonus
6 12 troops 9 troops to L18 7 challenges at 5☆ +400 Gold per day
7 3 weapons 3 Traits on 11 troops 2 Legendary troops Triple Tribute reward
8 16 troops 14 troops to L19 2 weapons maxed +600 Gold per day
9 Class 3 Traits on 16 troops 1 pet Triple Tribute chance
10 20 troops 18 troops to L20 Mythic troop +2 Kingdom skill bonus
11 20 troops to L20 Class to L20 1 pet to L10 ×3.25 Tribute reward
12 3 Traits on 21 troops Champion L20 4 weapons ×3.25 Tribute chance
13 22 troops to L20 3 Traits on class 1 pet to L20 ×3.5 Tribute reward
14 3 Traits on 23 troops Champion L30 3 weapons maxed ×3.5 Tribute chance
15 24 troops to L20 Champion L40 2 pets +1,000 Gold per day
16 3 Traits on 25 troops Champion L50 4 weapons maxed ×3.75 Tribute reward
17 26 troops to L20 Champion L60 2 pets to L20 ×3.75 Tribute chance
18 3 Traits on 27 troops Champion L70 6 weapons maxed ×4 Tribute reward
19 28 troops to L20 Champion L80 3 pets ×4 Tribute chance
20 3 Traits on 29 troops Champion L100 8 weapons maxed +3 Kingdom skill bonus