And new week in GW and what do we have --- Famine again

This should fix the meta:

Props to @Ozball for the mockup generator. Made this much easier!


@beanie42 nicely done brudda

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And we are now sooooo far off-topic…

I haven’t seen Famine once in GW yet this week. 9 out of 10 games were KGSFGK clones. The tenth was an odd Wraith/DeathKnight combo with Amira.

Kudos to the player putting up something different; bless, maybe they thought that putting up a blue counter hitter on blue day gave a better chance of rng kills than Kerberos? It doesn’t…


Every single one in today’s battle was that.

Mind you It pissed me off, but I was able to beat them

Tomorrow I don’t know if I will be so lucky.

I normally see 3 main defenses normally, and I’m not sure boosting one to hide the others is really a solution. Last week was knights to boost the DK based defense. Now this week they boost the Kerby/FG defense. So I guess next week they’ll boost Apocalypse and Daemons for the trifecta…


Haha i was about to say the opposite. Just when i recently conceded Famine taking a backseat to Forest Guardian Devours, Famine came back strong today for me, easily matching Forest Guardian Entourages’ presence.
My GW experience doesn’t matter much, as we currently reside in the peasant brackets but Famine was going just as strong in regular PvP.
Anyways i assume this is just a daily draws thing and tomorrow it is back to FGE all day long but i got a good reminder today of why i hate Famine teams so much more than the FGE.

Your pics above had the merit to make me smile.
But indeed, GW just highlights that there 1 or 2 meta builds and as you want to do the best for your guild, you just set it up.
Famine should indeed be looked at (and hopefully faster than the time it took bone dragon to be reworked).
Emperor. He’s annoying but he is manageable. At least it is just the first 2 troops. But he does do a lot for his cost: empty pool, true damage and stun.
Psion. This one starts to show up due to its crazy 3rd trait. Full mana steal. Could it be at least capped to 5 or 7?

Another solution would be to make impervious troops impervious to mana drain. But impervious would really start to become overkill. Maybe split impervious in 2: one for physical statuses: (e.g. stun, silence, poison, disease) and one for magic statuses (mana drain, mana mania, DM)


Don’t worry. Famine will be back next week with a vengeance.

Like @beanie42 said, it’s almost comical the “hey, look over there” effect this week has had.


Yeah next week +25% demon +25% mystic :slight_smile:

With +25% beast this week i think this is normal to see more kerberos


I have just lost two GW battles to the same guy, Death Knight with Creeping Death and 3x Famine. First fight I lost half my team to death mark, second was even faster - enemy’s Famine was up in his first move and that was it.

This is fun in what way?


This is normal. In my experience normal is rarely fun.


I wish they would input code where you had to create all GW defenses with unique troops… Once you use a troop and its added to a GW defense team its no longer available to be added to another GW defense team. Make defense an actual strat instead of the BS that is all Kerb, FG, Famine, Death and DK hero.

Oh if only the Devs would listen to the plethora of good ideas here or at least do something about the constant meta defense teams that are surely killing this game at end game.

Edit: By “here” I mean the forums not specifically or only this thread.

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I think this is going to be my last week of GoW, I am tired of guild war becoming a chore.
Everyday we need to fight 5 battles against a variation of hero (DK, assassin), famine and psion. (with the odd beast team). Is it fun? No. If things are going south, you still need to try to finish the fight.
Worse: you need to do your fights everyday or at the very least on Sunday.
This is too much of a constraint for me. Doing trophies, you have a week to do it and it is easy to organize.

I’m not doing an ultimatum, just voicing what I think quite a few of us are feeling at least in our guild.


The weekly buffed troops was designed to break up the meta and have it change from week to week. It almost works. Sure, there would be a new Meta or two every week, but it would change.

Right now, Devour is really strong with no reasonable defense for the speed of 2xK, GS, FG. It seems to be the many multiple devours. Same with Famine and the complete team drain. With some luck, the coming Barrier and No-Mana-Drain abilities will help fix it.

Yeah, it would be nice if this would show up instead of week after week of the BS in Guild Wars where every team you face (with a few exceptions) are a combination of the same ole, same ole. The fix for this needs to be sooner rather then waiting for some big update down the road.

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It is sad and depressing that Famine will get the same fate as Queen Mab. Good troops gets ruined.
Look at Bone Dragon, I tested his skill 3 times the other day, it backfired me each time and set
up the boards for the CPU. And that even with a Necrezza on the team RIP :sob: Lets not start to talk about DM that is about to get unnecessary nerfed, that is so sad…

People forget one thing before they open their mouths, not only do the CPU get a less powerful troop, but it sadly affects Humans use of the troop as well.

In the end we have a game where it is impossible to lose, because there is troops that is immune to everything, and those that is not immune does not fear any of the weak status effects, anyway…

So what are you saying @Clark

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That is just very bad luck then. He hits extraturns on an overwhelming amount of his casts on average boards.
He is a well balanced troop now.

Are you talking about when CPU uses him?

Either way.