Alex Bonuses May Not Be Working?

I rescued Alex today, and leveled him up to 10. I equipped him, but not getting the 2+ extra turns in the Treasure Room, or is it somewhere else?

I have Alex at level 20. Iā€™m seeing 13 moves at start of a Treasure Hunt. Pretty sure it used to start at 8.

I have always started at 14 turns, and I have been playing for about a year now. The way the bonus reads + 2 turns at level 10. I am reading this as 2 extra turns on 4 or 5 matches instead of just the 1 turn. That is how I read it, but I am probably wrong.

Oh. That would have been an amazing enhancement.

It gives bonus turns at the start.
With full guild bonus, and lvl 20 pet, I start with 17 turns.
No extra turns on 5 matches.

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Hey all,

Just to share a maybe more detailed breakdown of the Alex bonus using my own Alex pet goes as follows;

  • No Pet equipped; 9 base starting turns
  • Alex equipped with no upgrades or level 5 (+1 applied to the base); 10 starting turns
  • Level 10 - 15 (+2 applied to the base); 11 starting turns
  • Level 20 (+3 applied to the base); 12 starting turns

The bonus turns are applied to the base starting turns and do not stack on top of each other after each major level.

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You people make this game very hard to understand because you do not word things properly so it is very misleading which I am finding out you people are famous for. The bonus doesnā€™t say anything about starting turns. All it says +1, + 2 extra turns. I read it as having 1 or 2 extra turns added to matching 4 or 5 gems etc which is the only time I get extra turns. Ever since I started playing this game, I have always had 14 starting turns, and it has always been 14 even with Alex at level 10. I do not trust you people. I read the summaries about what you say is in the chest for one week only, and then you admit that Mythic troop was never in the chests. For now on I will avoid submitting at all cost submitting a ticket for support. I still have not gotten an answer back on why I am getting Request Timeout every single day. I asked a fair question and you have completely ignored my ticket. I may just throw in the towel because you people treat us players so unfairly.

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Nothing in the pet description implied extra turns for 4+ matches. It simply states ā€œ+1 treasure hunt turn,ā€ meaning you get one extra turn to play.

I donā€™t necessarily fault you for thinking it was for 4+ matches, but this is NOT a case of miscommunication or deceiving on the devsā€™ part, and is no reason for all those ā€˜never againā€™ statements.

As mentioned on other threads, throwing a hissy fit over the tiniest details and calling devs liars and stating they treat the community oh-so poorly over the small stuff really makes our complaints for the big stuff less valuable.

Just as the bonus does not mention starting turns, it doesnā€™t mention anything about extra turns from 4+ matches. Better reactions to the devsā€™ explanation may be to suggest a slight wording tweak for clarity or simply accepting this misunderstanding. :smile: