Good eve everyone. I’ve got a few legendary cards lately, and even my first mythic card. To be more specific they are as follows:
-Shadow Dragon
-Gloom Leaf
-The Great Maw
-Gor’Nak or something like that (orc one)
-Jarl Firemantle
-Wulfgarok as my mythic
I am around lvl 70 right now and i only traited alchemist and valkyrie and saved all arcane and legendary stones, and also got quite a lot of other epic/ultra rare cards thabks to my great guild ;).
I just can’t decide which one to lvl up and maybe even trait to use in a decent team while leveling further… It would be awesome to use Wulfgarok, because he’s a mythic and all and looks great but i don’t know if he is that viable (also i have all wargare troops except one female).
So i will be glad to hear any advice on this hard choise and i would be triple grateful if you also suggest a couple of teams for those legendaries as well.
Yeah, you’re right, but still i don’t have neither hellcat nor infernal king, For gem spam i have apithecary, valkyrie, alchemist, giant spider and maybe somerhing else i just don’t remember…
Sheggra is a great troop but the third trait is a waste of resources considering where you appear to be in the game.
Unfortuanately, I don’t see any troop on your list that is really super powerful.
Out of that list, I’d probably shoot for Behemoth. However, if you don’t yet have Emperor Khorvash, I would think twice about spending all those stones because Khorvash is a card you want to trait IMMEDIATELY.
Oops, didn’t see Sylvanimora the first time. That would be my choice.
Yeah, I thought about Maw. But then, much like my thought with Behemoth and Khorvash, I considered that the OP doesn’t likely have Gorgotha. Traiting Gorgotha is way more valuable that traiting Maw. Mid-game, Maw is all about that spell.