Adventure Keys Bug

Platform, device version and operating system
Latest version of Steam on Windows 11

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
I used 6 adventure keys, but I got more then 6 rewards.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I just noticed this today.

Steps to make it happen again

by adventure keys you mean the adventurer’s path right? i know for the later path’s there are like 5 resources that all have a chance to show up with each key in addition to the troop thats guaranteed. if this is the case, working as intended.

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Yes, I do mean the adventurer’s path. I started fresh (Shift+6 at login) and I just got to the world map and got my keys. I used all 6 of them (since I bought pass+) and got more than 6 rewards in return. I don’t remember this happening a while ago when I last played. I mean, it’s nice to get extra stuff, lol, but it seems like a bug to me.

1 key doesn’t necessarily mean 1 reward. So working as intended and no bug.

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