Misfits of Forgotten Order (Misfits of F. Order) looking for more active members. Come grow with us! Guild is Level 63, Rank 1210. 150% daily gold bonus. With current membership, we can achieve 10k seals but want to expand. With a few more active players, 20k and beyond is within reach!! Family Guild with active members and simple requirements while growing. Current weekly reqs are 750+ seals, 100+ trophies, 100k towards tasks. Will take new players, but the first requirement will be to open all kingdoms.
Looking for casual (no need to kill yourself, it’s a game), but active players who can contribute to guild tasks, trophies, and seals. No chat requirements, though someone is usually around in chat.
I’m looking for an active guild where i can be promoted quickly. I contribute much gold every week (200k+) and earn 130-150 seals per week. Invite code is BROGHILL
I’m level 403, VIP level 2, reach no 1 in PVP weekly.