Active guild! Come complete tasks and level up!

Perfect, thanks

Fenris, I have a currently full guild but I will take a look at my roster. Maybe a spot is open. Give me some time to check it out and I will let you know soon ok?

I found a level 76 guild, ranked 1,077 currently, but nobody talks and it doesnā€™t feel like Home.

Just let me know. I will be on and off.


Alright malteseShadow Iā€™m out of my guild and you can recruit me again !!1 thanks apreciate it


Fenris, what could you contribute each week if you join? No requirements, just curious

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Maltese, when I was in Club 420, I normally tried to do a 40k task a week. I donā€™t know what is appropriate for my level, but I am more than willing to do my part.

Iā€™m happy to share what lands and such I have to find out what the appropriate tithe is. Lord knows I need the keys and such.

I also love guild wars and pvp. :).

( Granted, my team is only 4.1k or so right now.)

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Thatā€™s ok. I got a spot. I can send you an invite in about 20 minutes. Good?

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Fenris, it says this code doesnā€™t exist. Youā€™re definitely on Xbox one right? And maybe the O is a zero and not the letter?

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I am out running an errand. Will be home in about an hour and a half. I will screenshot it so you can see.

ā€¦ and yesā€¦ dry look I am SURE I play on my Xbox One. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hahaā€¦ok, Iā€™ll be around and let ya know when I get it

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Hey. Iā€™d like to join your guild if you still have a spot open. Iā€™m rank 183 and can contribute some gold and win trophies. My invite code is KRITH THE EXHUBERANT_R1KY and my Gamertag is Arctic Spark 18. Could you message me before, so I know when to leave my guild? Thanks.

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Definitely. Let me know when youā€™re out

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Ok, I left.

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Invite sent!

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Thanks. I donā€™t play every day but when I do, Iā€™ll try and contribute as much as I can.


Hey, can you message me on Xbox at the gamertag ā€œtedforeverā€? Thanx

I tried but it didnā€™t show up so Iā€™m going to message back here. Whatā€™s up tedforever?

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Whatā€™s ur gt? Iā€™ll add you

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Maltese shadow. You lookin to join?

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@MalteseShadow Hi there, Iā€™m quite new to GOW, only just bought all kingdoms. But I really like the game, the next step after puzzle quest 2 ;). Please let me know if you have a spot and accept low level players! Hereā€™s my invite code: MORAO_EKJH (I will need to quit my current guild first, let me know)

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