A Week at the Top

I’d agree with you more IF the rewards for finishing first on the leaderboard were more enticing and exclusive.

As it stands, I don’t think the rewards are worth the hassle to care about account sharing, etc. I do understand your concern and point, though.


Plus limiting time Won’t solve the issue. You’ll still have teams but each individual will not have to play as long.
Are the rewards even worth this coordinated effort as it stands? How can it benifit all player on the team? I’m truly curious.

I am of the opinion that the only good solution to limiting unhealthy player behavior is to stop incentivizing it entirely. That means the leaderboard would need to become skill-based (over a short duration of matches) instead of time-based. Providing diminishing returns would just frustrate those at the top, since playing more would still garner an advantage, and so those at the top would still feel the need to play longer.

However, I am at a loss as to how the devs can introduce skill-based tiering in a game like this. The base gameplay is not complex enough to allow meaningful differentiation in skill, and even in head-to-head live play, luck would dictate the outcome of most matches. Maybe Infinite has some tricks up their sleeves here, but I’m skeptical.


And since PVP is the main choice for gold grinding limiting would come with a horrid backlash.

I’m not sure I agree that this ‘must’ be an individual game.

I certainly didn’t sign an agreement which states I can’t let my friends/family play using my account.

If this was some kind of official tournament, and we were made to sign an agreement, then yes, it would be illegal.

There is such a thing as “too casual” as much as there is “too hardcore.” Either one can cause a game to go stale and kill it. In the time before, the drive was rewards. Now there are not as many rewards to be had.(which is okay) I think we’re starting to see them consider bringing in more competitive means. Could have been in the plans all along, we have no idea. I’m optimistic about guild wars, and player vs. player. I don’t think we’ll get all of the competitive need from that, because like Lyya said, there’s still luck involved. Just something a little bit more rewarding and difficult is all we’re asking for.

They however may be inclined to deny because every time anything challenges people a little bit in this game, there is backlash. Which is to be expected, it happens in every game. Most players are “casual.” Nothing wrong with that. I just think similar to rewards in this game, people/guilds eventually want to make it to the top. What do you do when you get there? So end-game has to be expanded in multiple ways, including pvp.

-My opinion and mine alone.


How about having it so no person can win consecutive weeks on end? Or make it harder (less points per match) for those that are/were in top 10 the following week? Just wish that these bot/child sweatshop owners would let someone else have a chance once in a while!


If I whup a hero being played by 10 people, I should get credit for 10 whups.

I think that there should be an extension to the Tier system to compliment the ranked system, I can’t pull in in some cases 20+k PVP points to make top 10 so I after making my guilds minimums and tier 1, I don’t even bother, instead if every 1500-2000 PVP points or so gave the arcane stone of the week (or some other reasonable reward) I may not grind to rank 1… But grinding to 7k PVP points to gain 2-3 arcanes that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise, no problem… With this approach the rank system could even be unchanged cause even though rank 1 would give 10 arcane stones you would’ve gotten 8-16 earning PVP to reach rank 1, so I think this would be viable


But I dont want to do anything else in this game but PVP. So why would anybody want to force me to do something against my will? :smirk:

Ok. Lets disable PVP totally from game then !
My solution - same good as yours. :laughing:

Myeah. Thats what they all say :sunglasses:

I highly doubt ZooKeeper would draw all this attention to reaching #1 if he did it by any other means than legit. I’m not saying it’s not possible, but ZK is trustworthy.

Oh yeah I fought for 18 hours a day to the #1 spot. Hey devs look at me, check my account! Yeah probably not too smart.


The concept of stopping a couple, or friends, enjoying making progress together just so someone can come first in the ‘which account plays the most’ leaderboard is absurd.

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Maybe he respawned on other spot?

Im just fooling around, not really throwing stones on him. Even if he would use a bot, it wouldnt really bother me. I even think I could sleep better knowing he didnt really spend so much time playing this game to reach the spot :wink:

Youre forgetting BlackRhino. People actually are that dumb


Lmfao. I went there, yes.

I am fortunate enough to have witnessed at least 10 people from my guild(s) fully chronicle their battles against the child slave laborers that are always at the top. Every one of them have done so legitimately, and have provided hourly details and updates as to the ferocious amount of work it took to topple them. Each time, it has taken its toll, however. I salute these individuals for their hard work and efforts against such insurmountable odds and unsavory disadvantages.

Also, Black Rhino never once cheated at the game. Ever. You may hate him for being too boisterous, too proud, too cocky, or just plain annoying, but let’s not make up outright lies against someone that isn’t even here anymore to defend against such slander. Thanks.


i agree, id like to see a limit hours/day or fights/day to ranked pvp point rewarding fights (unlimited amount of pvp fights afterwards just not rewarding pvp points)

i hate it - would crush casual players preventing them from reaching tier1

that system could still be fine if it applied to ppl with 2k pvp points and above only. but let the ppl reach tier1 at the pace they do now.


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What am I supposed to do? Wait devs change the pvp system? It would take eternity. They even haven’t fixed many known bug yet. Also I think they didn’t even read my thread, lol. So I’ll just accept what it is for now and keep going. But at least I’ve vent my concern out. :wink: