A New Mythic Approaches - Eye of Arges

I was on the lucky side today. I pulled one within 1000 glory keys.
I pulled a second after, a few thousand glory keys, 700 gem keys and 100 guild chests.

No Silken Queen though.

This mythic is neato… in a kind of useful gimmicky type of way. Sad that most of the newly released mythics underwhelm, but this is a good one, imho. :+1:t2:

@Fourdottwoone - I’ve had two similarly relatable experiences in the past, though approximately one thousand gem keys less expended. Both Champion of Gaard and Sycorax destroyed my hopes on two separate occasions (with each instance costing me nearly all my glory keys and glory, all my gem keys [roughly 3K each time] and gems [nearly 10K each time],and they still elude me to this day. :disappointed:

Working as intended” gives those who experience such unfavorable luck that slight urge to spend real life currency for resources, perhaps.

I managed to pull it with 50 guild chests… my best luck in a while!

I got her from a guild chest.

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Last month I spent about 180,000 glory and 120,000 sigils (9,000 glory chests and 6,000 guild chests) but still missed the mythic. This month it took me about 120,000 glory (6,000 glory chests) to pull it out.

I only open chests on ‘new mythic approaches’ weeks so, my final numbers are: 15,000 glory chests and 6,000 guild chests to pull one mythic.

36k glory keys. 4 mythics. 0 The Silken Queen.

The same thing happened to me a couple of months ago with Pyrophemus.

Another month wait to try again.


When it comes to golden troops, I am at the point, where I only try to draw them from event chests. The chances on other chest types have become far too small to reasonably go for it.
