7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

New carda are ugly with the fat font. Thankfully, the blue flash remained.


If the devs want more folks to buy the pass they should have given the free rewards that you didn’t get because your level has past that. If you are level 2002 say you would be unlikely to buy it because you basically get nothing right now but if they were collecting the free rewards they would at least get something upfront. This is less an issue if you are halfway to the next 500 because they get some rewards now. I mean if I was just above 1500 or 2000 or 2500 I would wait. No rush. Maybe there should be a reward that you get upfront when you buy the pass to take care of this issue. A book of each color perhaps or something like that. I think that would get more folks to buy the pass.


More bad news. Underspire reset. I had just found the boss room and had no lanterns so was going to do at reset. NOPE!!!


The little gold border around a troop to show it as the selection when applying a buff to an allied troop, has:

  • a little gem in the top right corner
  • the top left corner goes around the mana circle, out of the bounds of the troops rectangle
  • a sharp bottom left corner to meet the point of the “banner” that holds the troops HP
  • a curved bottom right corner because why not.

When you select an enemy troop to attack, it has the same highlight selection gold border, with gem in top right corner but it’s barely visible because it’s BEHIND the mana numbers, the extended rounded top left corner goes around nothing, and while the bottom corners are… whatever, the whole border is also slightly off center, so that the right edge is over the stat banner, and the entire edge down to the sharp bottom corner sticks outside of the border.

This is CLEARLY supposed to be mirrored, but wasn’t.

Also why on earth do we need THREE separate glowing /flashing blue effects (arrow, edge, and circle around mana) to show a troop has full mana, when you also have the spell image up and the mana numbers gone. This is overkill.

Can we have troop base rarity colours back as the top and bottom bar of the troop in battle back? The grey doesn’t make sense and provides no information.

As others have mentioned, there’s no way to see mana bonuses provided by troops (Link traits or hero talents, or traits like Corsair class)


It also doesn’t show the bonus mana from other troops


Guys those big blocky white numbers are shockingly bad.

This is hilarious it’s like a 90s TV graphic. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m seriously wondering, if it would be the morally better choice to cheat myself the new Geoff achievement, than to “earn” it the honest way.

I’ll keep thinking about it. I definitely would feel filthy, if I contributed to chat spam.


Why does it look like the elevator out of willy wonka

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I totally agree, I’m level 2051 and I got 1000 writs, 250 gems and a couple of trinkets for my effort and diligence. It is truly a travesty that the rewards were not retroactively awarded.






I must not spend that all at once…




Yes it is very frustrating and I understand you. I also had quite a problem as to whether my inventory could hold such a large volume of rewards.


I got 7 keys and less of everything else. Probably because I started playing late (2017) and didn’t pay up to VIP20 yet. :face_in_clouds:


Thanks so much - it’s super frustrating to feel like you’re being penalized for working hard to advance in the game. Also, there are plenty of us late-gamers who are not sitting on a huge pile of resources - we can use those resources to advance further in the game, just the same way we did when we were at level 1499. I’m at level 1658, with plenty left to do :slight_smile:

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Omg dude that’s awful.
I thought mine was bad at lvl 1516.

But damn.

Hope they be fair with everyone won’t hold my breath.

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VIP doesn’t matter

If your one level below cut off ie. 1499 you get everything.
One level over ie. 1501 you get nothing.

Such a weird way to treat people.


I know. I was just trying to say that some people get treated differently than others…

Well VIP players don’t get treated better lol.

Every update since 7.0 has been a gem sink for the higher VIP players.

So there the ones actually getting punished the most.
As they have more gems.
Which is what the Devs want, everyone on no gems.
Having to buy gems.

Btw if your the hayabusa in PvP list all the time on Xbox, your a player dude. :sunglasses: