7.1 Update Nintendo Switch

Hi all,

We are aiming to release the 7.1 update to Switch on Tuesday 26th at 5pm PST.

Please note that this date is still subject to change, but even if we change this date it should be in roughly a week from now!

Here is a link to the full 7.1 patch notes:

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Which is . . . 2 hours ago.


Sorry! I got the date wrong, I meant next week :woman_facepalming:


@Kafka Why next week?

Game just updated to 7.1 a few hours ago.

Complaints about new font choices in 5… 4… 3…

…In the meantime, looks like I start out at the “Exalted Path” and I received a mail with the backlog of rewards including (among other things) 500 Gems.