7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

Yeah, that’s me. :smile:

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So, I’m already tired of editing my post when finding all the new bugs, so I will add additional bugs to the answers:

  1. Displaying the Silence effect behind bold white mana, a barely noticeable white circle… not visible, not good
  2. In the Adventurer’s Path, tasks are issued for a day, and there are tasks that cannot be physically completed in a day. Such as “Do 4 days of daily tasks”
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Can you add XP Debooster aswell please! For those who are few levels higher than they want to. :rofl:


Starlite’s Thoughts

No idea if anyone will see this, but I’m tired of starting new threads. So just a few thoughts, that probably repeat some of what others have said.

Card Text

  • Fatter is not the same as bigger.
  • Take screenshots of all three recent versions (v6, v7.0, v7.1), view them on a cheap mobile phone and give them to a usability expert for comment. Otherwise, you’re just wasting everyone’s time.
  • Must be consistent across all displays of the card, including the battle loading screen.

Full Mana Indicator

  • Doubling down on something that looks awful makes no sense.
  • I personally hate the light blue colour of the glow.
  • The right edge indicator (with the arrow) definitely still needs to be removed. This is essential. It interferes with status effects, which are much more important to see.
  • The glow on the mana ring would look okay in another colour (perhaps the colours of the troop? … hint, hint), but it’s utterly unnecessary, as the circle already changes from numbers to no numbers. If you really want a stronger indicator, just make it pulse its own colours or something.
  • The light blue looks awful. (Worth repeating.)

Exalted Path

  • The help page does not explain all aspects of this screen. You may think the “increased XP for 15 minutes” is easily interpreted, but it still needs to be explicitly documented.
  • Win 5 PvP battles is not a fun task. Unless you already play a lot of PvP. (Personally, I don’t think the rewards are worth my time, at my level.)
  • The contents of the Exalted Chests are rather pointless. In particular, the Orbs are a kick in the teeth. As are the percentages for troops. Since these are one-off rewards for each account, make them mean something. For starters, remove the troop randomness! Make Exalted Keys only drop troops you don’t have. I would also change the drop table for each tier of the Exalted Path, so it actually fits what people need at that stage.
  • The always-visible icon gets in the way of viewing the map. This was said when the previous path was introduced.

Overall, version 7.1 gets a 2 out of 10 from me.


I just don’t have the words for this update and all of its problems. Actually, I do. I just don’t want to get banned.


Thinking bad thoughts may violate the community guidelines. Seems moderation is rather sensitive as of late.


I like how they did that one update where all the weekly campaign tasks were taken away because they wanted us to play our way, but then they add daily tasks that make us play their way. :sunglasses:


Hey, the needed to recycle the tasks somehow!

Well, at least the reward is pretty meh to say the least.


I hope this doesn’t come off as antagonistic. You seem like a nice enough person, and your money is, well… your money! But I had to say this:

Whether and when you make your purchases, actually does matter. A lot. Here is why…

The GoW team is not in the business of making games. They are in the business of making money. Games are just the apparatus they use to generate money. There is nothing wrong with that. That is the case with most companies.

However, when we spend money on a game, we are telling the company that their money generator is working correctly. Because, again, that is all that it is. There is no reason to care if it is buggy. No reason to care if it is fair or fun. No reason to care if people are smiling or frowning when they put their money in.

Just to be absolutely clear, I don’t think there is one thing wrong with making purchases in a game. I generally encourage it, because devs need to eat. And if they can’t generate money using a game for the apparatus, they will switch to a different apparatus. But it DOES matter.


In one world - underwhelming.

Feedback about visual issues - acting on it as little as possible.
So, what do we have?:

Minimal tinkering with number sizes and positions - check;
Junk rainbow background for spell descriptions - still there, feedback proudly ignored;
Junk rainbow sidestripe - still there, feedback proudly ignored;
Junk trait diamonds that give no useful information whatsoever - still there, feedback proudly ignored;
Junk blaring blue arrow on full mana - still there, feedback proudly ignored and now we get junk blaring blue circle around mana orb to boot;
Junk stars on delve rooms - made a little bit easier to discern, but still junk and downgrade from Roman numerals.

Gem dragon egg situation - 0% progress in a year.
Underspire - broken on update.

New passes with new monetization - check.
Giving all players appropriate stuff from new passes - nope, no can do, we’ll think about it, but probably nope.

Overall patch score - generous 1/10.

Completely forgot - that gigabyte of assets with optimized smaller-data-size pictures you made me download on Android was real fun! Keep it coming more!


Great reward :ok_hand:


Could you please reverse the changes on the cards when it comes to the font. I think it was a little better before this change.


and they said the teams are not shared… right. But the code is. And the bugs. And the greed.

And i understand that, but also realise, that especially since im almost at the next level of the pass, that $15 for everything you get in it as actually crazy compared to what they normally offer, 2250 gems alone is worth it to me, let alone everything else in it. So yes, most other things they are doing are awful, but this pass in particular is really good (assuming they will make previous ones retroactive, after all im sure they want the money from those as well). So yes, delay if you want, but i also want to support what i see as the best value monetization they have ever added. Obviously opinions on this will vary greatly depending on where each player lands in the level ranges.

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Love that, Dust_Angel!

Straight, accurate, informative: 10/10!
Regarding devs and the update - stunningly miserable situation which obviously is out of f. control!!!

Total chaos - check!

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Exalted Pass+ is not available on PlyaStation yet?

But the problem is that for those dollars I get only 250 gems at level 2051 and my level progress is now relatively more difficult than if I were 1051 or 1551 and that’s the problem. It’s not balanced, the system is terrible, at level 52 I’m drowning in a flood of gems and other rewards, so I have tears in my eyes and it will take a really long time before I get to other rewards. I need 106,000 xp for dlasi level…


yes, the system is messed up, and they NEED to add retroactive rewards, at which point, you would purchase the 1000-1500 level and get all rewards instantly. I may be giving them too much benefit of the doubt on making the previous tiers purchasable, but i dont see why they wouldnt. Like i said opinions will vary greatly based on where the player is in the level ranges.


Same with me

When will this update release on switch? I know it’s usually9 months, but 7.0 wasn’t and I want raid boss back.

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