7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

So on my sub 500 pc account the rewards on the free pass are welcomed and decent… That being said the rewards for 1500+ need a rework - Books and deeds is what ideally should be offered on both sides (free & paid) They’re offered on the paid campaign side so why not on this one? Those that are level 2k+ really got ripped off on rewards as it takes longer to level… retroactive rewards are needed…


Well luckily for me, I’m at one of the levels that is screwed out of everything. So buying the pass would be stupid for me. I have 491 levels to decide. So at least 5 years or so. heh. They are counting on enough people being consumed with FOMO enough to throw money at the pass. That apparently is going to work out great for them. So my point was only that as long as that money machine part is working the way they intend, don’t count on the awful parts getting much attention?


I’m puzzled. On the Campaign trail, the task for winning PvP matches includes both ranked and casual PvP. The Dominator task for the exalted path restricts wins to ranked only? I play only casual PvP in order to complete the gain glory task for any battle except training, so I’ve completed 10 PvP matches, 5 over the required number. Can we now gain glory for any battle except training for real on these path tasks then? If not, why switch only the Dominator task?


Artwork is still missing on iOS. Not surprising because of the time since the most recent bug report on the subject, but FFS somebody fix this already. It’s been since March.

No longer shows for troops / hero talents only banner. Somehow need this part back maybe next to the banner? Talking about the Mana totals not surge change since that is still in game menu. @Jeto @Kafka


Are you American by chance? That’d explain the attitude towards the work life balance. Our mentality towards work in the US is pretty awful and archaic, and I don’t know why we’d want others to follow it.

For the record, that’s how my job is. Working through lunches, 40+ hour workweeks, expectation of being on call 16 / 24 hours a day, etc… If their job doesn’t require it, I don’t blame them for leaving work at the office, and not bringing it home.

However, it would be nice if they hired someone for after hours support.

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From a german perspective I would say, the main issue is, that both of those are getting mixed up.
People in the USA misuse their working hours for private stuff and have their off-work hours regarded as a standby mode with permanent availability in return. Management and employees try to cut into each others flesh.
As a result, both work and recreation suffer in quality. If the line was drawn strictly in both directions, to make working hours only about work, and keeping it completely out of private time, everyone would end up better off, companies included.

Sorry for going off-topic here.


When all those tasks could be re-rolled to something we liked better anyway… /sigh


Not that I care, but using the correct their isn’t slower or faster than using there.

I see the irony in you mocking people who need extra help in school… :sweat_smile:

I also see your point. People who work hard should get better rewards, not worse ones (or fewer) - especially since the people who start now will get all the rewards and those who have played the game for a long time miss out on a lot.

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Perhaps you should think harder about what I said. I never complained about my job.
I only mentioned details about my job so you could see that I know what it’s like to put my “nose to the grindstone” as you called them for supposedly not doing.

That is true in some industries and at some companies (and worse now for remote working), but it’s not universally. It probably plays a part in why other companies have the expectation that their salaried employees work 40+ hour work weeks, even if they’re not wasting time at work.

There are a lot of factors that contributed to the state of American work culture / work life balance, that I don’t think you can boil it down to 1 main issue.

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Congratulations to everyone who hasn’t reached level 1500 yet!
I think devs are trying to say I’ve been playing too long :rofl:


Yup. And it’s working.

I wonder how many of these devs played Diablo Immoral…sorry, Immortal.

People spending money on this game are essentially bribing the studio to keep the game open. Not to fix things, not to be more customer-friendly…they’re just wanting the game to continue to exist. Think about it, if the game because unprofitable, does anyone really think DigiBros is going to go “oh sorry, our bad, here’s our 6-month roadmap to fix all this messed up stuff and a big pile of Gems as an apology”? No, they’re going to shutter the game and move on to something more profitable. It’s cheaper.

As has been pointed out, the company is in the business of making money. They saw how succe$$ful the elite (lol) pa$$e$ were and now they’re finding more ways to push the FOMO.

Also, folks…can we please stop with the “devs gotta eat” stuff? The devs earn a salary, plus a financial incentive based on how much money the game makes for the first 4 years after the acquisition. They’re doing fine. If this was a small indie dev who really depended on every sale, that’s one thing, but this studio is corporate-owned. Your pa$$ purcha$e is not ensuring a dev gets their paycheck this week. It might be contributing to a bonus (due to the incentive) but beyond that it’s going to the shareholders/executives.


Yes. And i’m willing to spend some $$ from time to time to keep the ball rolling. Not buying exalted path unless they give us players above 1500 the rewards for prior levels. The writs are nice but it will be so slow that I’ll earn them faster through other parts of the game anyway.


Lol the exalted chest rewards are pure garbage. Why would anyone want to spend money on the exalted path + to get more crap?


If they included books and Imperial deeds then perhaps there might be a way to max your kingdoms in the next 20 years. Even the ones you have gotten for free is not a drop in the bucket of what you need. Things this rare there should be a better way to craft them or if they are this rare you should not need so many to max 1 kingdom.


Eta on the Switch release?

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Does anyone know what the soulforge “upgrade available” is, or is that just a minor cosmetic bug?

Unknown bug already reported, aknowledeged and maybe fixed in some near/far patch.

2,000 gems + 7,500 writs + even more writs from opening Exalted chests + everything else for $15 isn’t horrible. Certainly beats whatever the rate of gems is for a Flash offer.

Absolutely awful to be at the beginning of an exalted path, but if you’re at the tail end, it’s pretty nice.


It’s also awful that the exalted pass is rather expensive but takes probably years to finish.

The progress once you’ve reached 1k is so slow, and it gets slower and slower.

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