7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

Absolutely agree. Remember they are approximately grossing $5,000,000 per annum now (and more soon) compared to less than 5-7% of that 3.5 years ago. What has improved in relation to their expenditure on the game and their resources. CX? :wink:

More for less, master of profiteering.


Ummmm… you get that that is not what people mean, right? It’s an expression to convey the idea that these games are businesses and the people working on them are not hobbyists, it’s their career.

Erm… “they’re”.

“people that don’t like ‘they’re’ work life” - are you sure about that?

I think Weave may have used there for both their and they’re. :thinking:

The premise still stands, and I still don’t really care. I understood what was being said.

It’s very simple devs , high level players have absolutely nothing to gain from this path update !! We have played ( and paid ) for years and what do we get in return from this update ? Nothing ! As a 3000+ level player it will take months before we earn 250 writs and and another few monts to earn 50 gems ! We want our free retro-active rewards , and MAYBE we will still support you !


this is a somewhat decent fix apart form your cash cows get left out.

what are the rewards yous speak of in previous tiers

The Battle Pause Menu used to show bonus mana. As this can come from multiple sources (banners, class traits, class talents, etc.) it was helpful to see on this menu…. Was this a minor oversight? Can you add it back to the menu next to the mana surge chances? It seems there’s room enough.



Aaaand for players like me that own every troop? :thinking:


I’d still be okay with that “solution”, because it would mean I just ssave up those useless exalted keys and use one at a time for every new troop release. :wink: Maybe Starlite grasps the flaws of the idea now. :slight_smile:

At the least they put a button next to the headstart offer on consoles so we know what we’re buying.


When do the troops in exalted chests change? I already have 4 Deaths.


I was wondering this too. You can only get the same 10 troops. Death being the only mythic. Why set it up this way?

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Don’t know if someone tried it already, but what would happen, if you pick up multiple daily adventurer path experience rewards at once (the reward mails last for 7 days)?
Would the minutes add up?
Or the percentage?
Or would all beyond the first have no effect at all?

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Minutes add up.

Not exactly the scenario of collecting multiple boosters at once, but the hint is quite clear and I’ve seen somebody collect multiple on a youtube stream.

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I would love to see the troops for the higher levels be USEFUL.
Seriously, I don’t need any Common, uncommon troops. What I need is Epic, Legendary and Mythics.
Or at least

The other thing I would like to see is - not things that take 2 - 3 hours to complete. Such as Receive 3 Trubutes - I thought if I log out and log back it that it would count at 1 but nope…

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Regarding “Generall” changes in this update. Thank you. Mayby that wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for but at last statistic of troops in battle are readible and thus make game playable for me. Of course game still looks lot uglier as before update 7.0. and positioning of stats is wrong (vertical vs horizontal), rainbow (gradient) puke and distingiushing of rarity troops is messy.
Still its better as in 7.0 so thanks for 7.1.
Not sure if this post is correct to point one issue but with this patch comes extra button (for daily lvl boost) almost in the middle of our screen :confused: Please reconsider putting extra buttons like this one or shop limited time offer. Map starting to diseaper. Especially for border cities/delves. Put them somewhere on the edges (or add offers to shop as extra tab) or let us players customize ui.
Thanks again for your hard work.

A customizable UI or just options in general would be fantastic

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Yeah you can save them, so long as you don’t ‘claim all’ each reset. I accidentally clicked on that earlier this week and had 105 minutes running. Sadly I fell asleep (probably a good idea!) :smiley:

They do time out though, so max you can stash is maybe 7 days. Or maybe that timer resets.

I wanted to save them for vault tbh but maybe next time if chance to play.

I’ll agree that while I don’t like the particular choice of font for the new numbers shown in battle, in the end it … IS actually very readable on a 7" screen.

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