7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

I’m not saying don’t buy it.

I’m saying 3 hours really. Take a breath it’s not going anyway.

But sorry if I attacked you, didn’t mean to.

This forum is still a waste of time tho.


All of these three informations were visible on one single page before. Why change it to make us press more buttons?

And top of that you forgot to add bonus mana stats from troops/classes with colored link traits.


whether i buy it now or 3 weeks from now makes no difference, except im lvl 1430, so if i dont buy it soon, then i dont get these rewards possibly, so yea, im gonna buy it now.

Tell you one thing guys.

Since all these updates.

I never see weres the missing vault event in the forum anymore.

The plans working superbly , by the Devs.

Mess with something, they will all forget like fish, what they was complaining about. Lmao

After playing a few battles I came here to write just this. “Chunkier” doesn’t mean more legible!

The old numbers on the mana bubble weren’t that chunky and used to fit on the bubble - now they extend beyond the mana bubble.

Green numbers on green background still get blurry on the phone and hard to read.
Green numbers on red background are still not easy to read, this is the worst contrast ever.
Has the green colour been changed? It feels like I’m staring at a neon green, not standard green too. Hard on the eyes, again.
Burning on armor shield on yellow background is hardly visible - the colours on both are nearly the same (bottom troop on enemy’s side).

The spacing between individual numbers is non-existent, the numbers are too close together to read comfortably quickly.

“flashing” from barrier on the armor shield is still spills over and to the armor value.

In fact, everything is still flashing and moving. We now have the blue flash around the mana bubble when the troop’s spell is full ON TOP of the blue arrow and blue edge. Enough is enough, keep ONE out of the three!

It’s not really visible on the screenshot, but the bottom enemy troop has currently a gazzilion animations overlapping - making the spell art hardly visible. Is this really the goal here? :cry:

This is not a fix, nothing was really fixed here. A band-aid, maybe, but one that’s only stuck from one side and the other end is freely flapping around. Everything looks so… cheap now. Are we now in a pulp fiction novels store?

Still waiting for a true fix… :cry:


Mhmmmm yepp

Before 7.1 we used to see bonus mana not only from banners, but also from talent trees.

(here I have Sunspear class, with bonus red mana, and the enemy is Tidecaller, with bonus purple mana. To see this, I had to click on the hero and scroll down. I find it inconvenient.)


Is the Shiny Chest images messed up for anyone else? the Shiny Tokens with the ? are sideways now…




It’s a hook pulling you in :laughing:


Thank you so much for the card rework. It’s much easier to play effectively.

@Jeto Will the Exalted (and other) Chests troops from this update change regularly? If so, how long can we expect that?


You can really tell that a lot of testing went into this update to make sure nothing goes wrong and that everyone is treated fairly. /s

Really, guys, before you make any changes, ask your players. They’ll be able to tell you if something is a bad idea - like the graphics update or the update to the pause menu - or not giving out all the rewards to players who have been playing for years and are past level 1500.


So, again, “ingenious” design…
Ok, you’ve made the numbers fatter… it doesn’t change the fact that the design itself is eyes are leaking.
ok, now at least the numbers have become visible (how you ruined your whole “brilliant” design again, and you yourself understand this, but oh well …).
You changed the numbers during the battle, but you still don’t see the numbers or the card’s rarity in the troops menu.

You have added Rarity Stars to a weapon. ON THE BLACK STRIP - and that’s great.

If only these stars were made to the troops on the same BLACK STRIP. And the initial rarity should be indicated not in 4 dots around the star, but in color. Because now it is completely unclear what rarity the card is.

During the battle, it is also completely invisible what rarity the card is. Can not see. At all. There is simply no such information. Again, you need to look at the card, as well as in order to find out what skills the card has.

Names of troops, roles of troops, etc. The text does not fit on the map, and sometimes it is not visible at all. At least in Russian.

Enemy card selection frame is mirrored. corner of mana on the left, corner with a stone overlaps mana.

Why did you change this menu??? For what?
Why are you trying to make life difficult for your players?
Previously, everything was in one window, now you have to press buttons and scroll, WHYYYY ???
Not only do you now have to scroll 10 times, there is also less information.

Now about updating the Adventurer’s Path:
Why didn’t you allow old players to claim ALL of their rewards for all level progress? Why only 500 or something?
A player with a level of 1501 received rewards for only 1 level, and will not receive the next ones for a long time.
A player at level 1499 has received rewards for all 499 levels, and will soon move to level 1500+ and will also receive reward levels for them in the future.
As a result, both of these players did not receive rewards for the previous levels, but they tried and both played the same way. like a novice player, they went through level 100 and through 1000, and everyone received awards in different ways.

Make it possible to collect previous rewards too, and at any time when the player wants it. Tabs for stages of levels for example and the ability to buy each of these stages for a donat. This is more money for you, don’t be stupid.

P.S. …in the future, NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVEN THINK TO CHANGE THE DESIGN OF THE BOARD AND BALLS ITSELF, you will completely spoil the eyes of your players, and they will delete your game FOREVER


Bless status effect animation is still wrong (half-fixed).

On the player’s side, it starts from the mana bubble and goes to the right.

On the enemy’s side, before the fix, it started from the mana bubble but also went to the right - which made it not visible on the troop and on some devices it wasn’t visible at all.
Now it starts from the upper left-hand corner and goes to the right - it should be a mirror image, starting from the mana bubble and extending to the left. It is not doing that.


If there is something to buy, someone will pay for it. They know that theyre catering to impulse buyers and fomo. Thats the whole point.

This is not a game. It’s a business


I reached level 1500 last week. Am 1503 now. Hooray…


Can we get the bonus mana info back? The banners are super cool…


I came here to check and see if the rewards were retroactive before buying - when they launched the Adventurer’s path originally they were. As a level 1601, if the rewards aren’t retroactive there’s no way I will buy this without reaping the prior 1600+ levels of rewards in the path.

Secondarily, to all the people saying “all we need at exalted level is books and deeds” you are 100% correct and this does not appear to provide a means to getting more meaningfully.

Hard pass.


My eyes didn’t burn as much tonight so some of these changes have helped at least me, thank you. But I was disappointed that the flashing blue remains when mana is full. I feel the flashing blue was the most complained about too.

Thanks for posting the comprehensive list on the changes.

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