7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

Ah, the copy-paste-coding :sleeping:

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They are not intended to be Blackhawk’s.


Ok so booty gems
Ie. From a pirates booty.

One’s from blighted lands.
We’re the sea and ships,weres the merfolk, weres the anything to do with pirates in the 3 Wrong kingdoms then.

Weres any other troop making booty gems from the 3 Wrong kingdoms.

Anyone got a sensible reply.

These weapons use a smilar mechanic to the Nefertani’s.
Obviously they will be needed to craft something and it’s intended to not paying costumers wait for their kingdom to rotate and craft them and then the other something (mythic weapon - that is from Blackhawk).

They are not update related though, just off topic.

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Your assuming things, I said sensible reply cheers.

Also updates fix errors, so very update related.
As the weapons are ocean related pirate related.
The 3 kingdoms arnt, but thanks for the useless reply.

“Win PvP Battles” Dominator task doesn’t count casual PvP.

I thought we were done with forcing people to play any specific mode? At least the campaign task accepts casual PvP for that task, not just ranked.


I feel your pain. We completed all of those levels, to not give us the rewards is just plain wrong. It’s especially obnoxious when you realize that someone who is one level below the next tier, when they patch, will get so much more than someone who is literally one level higher. I mean just wow.


that bold text… absolutely horrific. That fixed nothing, made things worse.
more chest, more currency, more confusion.

The new global achievement … seriously.

Demands for more money in return of more bugs and lame rewards.

@Jeto - does the management team ever want to make this game more enjoyable and listen to the player base? Or the goal is to still come up with crap like this until all free users are gone - and just milk the ones that pay for the ring of wonder and the shrines? Can we get what’s next on the roadmap please? I wanna know if we should quit now or what…

Let me ask another question: are you guys actually proud of your job? Do you like what you do? Do you guys enjoy seeing all the users complaining about the same stuff EVERY TIME a new release is made?


If I go to buy the Pass, it comes up with “Puzzle Quest 3” 3000 crowns. So won’t buy it until I know it’s fixed or needs fixing :laughing:


I just opened a singular exalted chest, and i only got a troop, glory, and souls. IT was supposed to ALSO give one of diamonds/writs/cursed runes/dragonite/orb of wisdom/orb of ascension. Those percentages add up to 100%, so i assumed we are supposed to get one of those with each chest, the team may want to look at that as well.

EDIT: Also, im opening singular chests to see values for those things, ive opened ~40 writs / ~10(!!) dragonite / ~3 diamonds per chest when you pull them. That amount of dragonite is pretty significant for a 10% drop chance as well.

And now i just opened 13 dragonite from a single chest

Now i got cursed runes AND writs out of a single chest, so maybe its all individual chances that just add up to 100%, but imo it SHOULD be one of them guaranteed

Definitely all individual chances, ive had a couple chests with 4 of the 6 possible bonus rewards in them, the chests that have none still feel really bad though

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If I hadn’t bought the Deathknight Armor about a year ago, I would have gotten 500 levels of rewards on top. So it’s a loss loss for me. I paid more money to get less rewards …


“Complete all battles on a single adventure board” - in the campaign, those tasks required a full AB board (all 9/10/11 battles) to be done, not a “set of battles”, i.e. 3 from one section of AB.

I thought those tasks were supposed to be possible to complete daily, not once every four days (yeah, I got that one too). This is plain wrong.

With every minute I’m getting more and more livid.

At first it was just “ok, the update fixes some stuff and breaks some other, like always”. But currently I feel pretty much screwed over for playing this game for more than 4000 h already, while constantly being screwed over. It’s not even about the rewards, they’re most likely only a few souls, some gold and maybe some traitstones. No it’s more the constant state of being pushed over and being ignored by those in charge. :thinking:

@Jeto @Bramble @Kafka @OminousGMan


not to dogpile on the problems, because I just want one of these updates to go smooth for once, but these new UI changes makes me wish we just kept the previous version (i.e. not these last 2 updates) of the UI.

These new bolded numbers in battle just look terrible and unprofessional for a game and now gem spawners like Huntmaster Arborius actively annoy my eyes each time they cast and those created gems flash.

I just want to know why they thought it was necessary to change the UI in the first place.


Because like fly’s that attract to you know what.

Kids attract to shiny colours.

So they made everything all shiny and new, cos they think there game base will shoot for the stars.

The Devs are deluded , because they don’t play the game, so don’t understand there player base.

In 2 years in a top 100 guild, maybe 60 players, a few changes each month.

We’ve had 1 player under 20. 4 players under 30.

The Devs just don’t get it.


It’s been clear ever since the krinklemas nightmare that the devs r going to push for more money offers or more tasks for us to do that r not enjoyable.

If they don’t compensate players who r 1500+ for missed rewards, it’s unforgivable. Me, and many others supported u guys for years and know we r being treated unfairly.

I don’t even know if I can make it to Christmas this year. Do u guys just want us to move on and just quit? Sure feels like it.


When purchasing the Exalted pass it’s coming up with the Puzzle Quest 3 crowns graphic instead of the Gems of War graphic… has anyone purchased the pass on Xbox?


i did, it went through fine, but i did see the same thing as you. I did receive the correct pas though.


Thank you :smile:

tired of seeing your negativity, yes the devs are making things worse than they are better, no need to attack me like that. This pass is actually great value for what you get, and i agree it would be nice if the devs would think and/or ask for player input before making drastic changes, but yelling at me wont make that happen

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