3.5 update preview screenshots (part 1)

I believe the old kingdoms will be grand fathered in. So if you have it at 6 stars. It’ll stay at 6 stars after the update. It’ll only effect kingdom leveling moving forward. No clue how it’ll account for troops coming to a kingdom.
For some players it would level up the Kingdom, while others that were grandfathered won’t be adjusted at all I guess?
As in… If you have Mist of Scales at 8 stars. And I have it at 9. New Mist of scale troops won’t level me up to 10 until you get to 9. :person_shrugging:

Yep, and i’m glad all my kingdoms are already at max potential.

I was more thinking about new players and kingoms to come. It’s a real slow down.


Come on… your being to critical …
its so much easier to understand kingdom leveling…
lmao (sarcasm)

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Do we know if the exploder nerf is in the 3.5 patch? I hope they don’t go through with it.

Anyone else see the irony that two doomskull TRANSFORMERS cause an imbalance and it’s explorers that get nailed?

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Some Numbskull suggested it was exploders causing the prob with dumbskulls lol

This is very consistent with Gems of War nerf design.

Queen Mab has been the most powerful component of the PvP meta team people want nerfed through 6 nerfs. She was never adjusted. Instead, Wisp paid the price. And Kraken (3 times!). And Nyx. And I’m sad to say that, with 3.5, we see that I was wrong. The devs are more willing to nerf Dawnbringer than Queen Mab.

So it’s on-point that if people are upset with King Bloodhammer, we’ll first have to nerf Gorgotha, Ragnagord, The Worldbreaker, Infernus, Peasant, Nyx, every Troll, and adjust gem rewards from guild tasks.

I don’t think the theorized exploder nerf had anything to do with the Dhrak-Zum troops, their cascades won’t be stopped or even slowed down by that. It’s safe to say that Infernus (deservedly)would be much more tragetted by such a nerf, along with several undeserving actual balanced troops.

When will the update come to PS4?

Lol mina i told you 3 times


If they want to target Infernus, just reduce his gems exploded from 5 down to 2 or 3, rather than reducing mana generated by all exploders by whatever ratio they are contemplating. That will directly reduce his mana generation AND the random cascades.

they are thinking 50% to 60% mana gen for exploders, bye bye goblin rocket

Going from 100% to 70% didn’t affect my play-style at all when they “fixed” that on console. Taking it down to 60% or 50% won’t either. If there is a problem with Infernus, just fix Infernus. If Ishbaala is giving powerful divines too much starting mana, increase their mana costs. Easy peasy.


Dude i don’t want explosions to be nerfed at all, not that i had any say in it. I was merely pointing out that the nerf that was speculated (50% explode mana) is most definitely not targeted at Dhrak-Zum troops.


I get that, and agree with you entirely. Actually, based on the timing of this talk, I think it may be wrongly targeted at Dhrak-Zum troops, but wouldn’t actually affect them.

i still think his problem is the storm and not the explosion

That’s a good point. Putting storm plus explosion on the same troop is very powerful.

I see @eika is typing, so I’ll just pre-emptively say that everything I’m saying is prefaced with “IF there is a problem with Infernus”. I’m not asking for a nerf but asking that if something needs to be done, it be targeted at the specific problem troops, not at entire game mechanics.

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As everyone already knows, I will be the last one asking for nerf of any sorts. Nerfing the exploison might kill the game for me, but we shall see. I am hoping that they will buff a few troops in the update.


The most urgent fix right now is uba killing 3-4 troops and x4 gems doesn’t count as extra turn

I can live with the rest