1.0.9 Preview Part 1 – Hero Classes

What are those speech bubbles in the video?some new sort of chat? :cold_sweat:

We’ll tell you in the next preview!

Yes, you must first complete the main storyline before the Class Quest is available.

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A few more questions:

  • Does a hero class use the same perk in both the invade as defense team?
  • Does a defense victory count towards ‘class winning fights’?
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This sounds like micro management hell incoming. Suppose I’ve used most of my 20 team slots to set up special teams, some of them containing the hero. What happens if I change the hero class, will this indirectly change the effectiveness of those teams? Or will the team still contain the hero with the class and perks selected at the time it was set up? I’d hate having to keep notes which team requires which hero setup.

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First thing I noticed.
If you play on steam, you can see the troop portraits for this kingdom already…unless you’d prefer to wait.
Just gotta search through the game files.

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Looks awesome. A lot of cool ideas.

The only point i dont like is the fact that you want to give legendaries better stats compared to others (not mentioned in the video but here in the post). A team of 3/4 legendaries is quiet powerfull at it is, because their spells are very powerfull (most of them). That is what a legendaries makes unique. DONT make them eben more powerfull through stats, because that lead us to the point, where most players want/have to play legendary-teams to be competitive. Are there realy so many people complaining about the actual state of legendaires?

Traits and ascension made Commons the strongest in the game. Combined with the fact that they’re the easiest to trait … yes there are many people complaining about that.

That and a ton of legendaries got absolutely shafted on traits. Moloch for instance.


Yes, many people have problems with legendary troops being weaker then common troops.

and more expensive

It is also not all legendary troops, some are in good shape, mostly by having a great spell, but several legendary troops don’t have a really powerful spell combined with meh stats they are clearly less powerful then some fully ascended commons etc.

So can you confirm if it’s apllied in challenge mode and PVP defense ? please :slight_smile:

An something else, but it’s apply not for all players…
Some guys in a few guild have already 59% or 60% Mana Surge.
This gem mastery in the class or in bonus team don’t make a sense.
I’m sure it’s pretty cool for most of players, but for some it’s useless…
Why don’t apply a bonus like the banner ? +1 when matching gems, it works for all player, new and older . perhaps OP…
Or an other idea…
Think of the old and loyal players too :innocent:

Great stuff all around… I just hope that the next 109 preview will show us something that will fix the traitstone issues… People are drowning in majors and grinding arcanes is super boring.

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Due to the diminishing returns, those people receive next to no benefit from increased masters.

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gonna ask again but is there any hope for event weapon to cycle back? i started playing around january this month and with this update it seems having good weapon is becoming more and more important

I think a good compromise between wins counting when hero is in the team only and always countng, is to always count, but count those with hero in the team as double?
You could up the amount of required wins by say 50% to offset this.

I do think it makes a lot more sense to require the hero in the team for getting the wins count, tho.

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I also vote for requiring the hero to be in the lineup for a win to count towards perk unlocks. Newer players who don’t have any legendaries yet will be running their hero all the time anyway. The high-level players who have been running four mythic troops could stand to apply a little effort in their battles for once!

BTW, I am level 455 and I run zero mythics, I don’t have any.

The problem with your premise about needing to apply effort, is that if the hero is buffed as much as it seems, there will be LESS effort applied. Which I’m very excited about.

I would assume yes for the first and no for the 2nd. All uniformity will probably fall to what the base hero is like how the hero weapon use to be. For defense victories, those don’t give hero exp, so since hero wins is being justified by the same method nor should defense victories.