GoW: ToDo Monitor

New version (v2.1a):
The link:

  • remove the picture named “kstars0.png” in the picture folder. It’s required to force the copy/paste of the new stars. (EDIT)
  • add these lines into the configGoW.xml file:
    <RuneGuardianTraits1 minor1="24" major1="32" runic1="16"/>
    <RuneGuardianTraits2 major1="32" runic1="20" arcane1="12"/>
    <RuneGuardianTraits3 major1="40" runic1="24" arcane1="18"/>


  • Guardians’s traits use the good number of traitstones
  • add the new power levels…
  • …and so, now, the width of the kingdom summary is fixed and can be modified in the configGoW.xml file (look for widthKingdomSummary). You will have to Save once to add this parameter in the xml. Or you can add it manually.
  • too much troops/kingdom so the number of troops for each kingdom appears just after the name between (for example, the two top kingdoms have respectively [9] and [12] troops so you know that the second one should be simpler to level up)
  • too much kingdom so now the kingdoms that can be power level up (i.e. enough troops and don’t take into account your data) are in green…
  • …otherwise in red (so these kingdoms cannot gain another power level even if all its troops are maxed (level and traits))
  • too much kingdom so now you can double-click on the stars to keep only the kingdoms that can be level up (i.e. in green) but that you didn’t already attain and the number below the stars to keep only the kingdoms that are at this power level. When you double-click you can’t have the full list enabled again (I don’t like to add a reset button for this feature). If you want to reset, you have to select one kingdom.
  • the database.xml contains all the troops. Thanks to every players for writing them in this topic ;-).

Enjoy :slight_smile: .


Something is not right with your three lines. If I add them the application crashes, without them it runs perfectly.

EDIT: Nevermind, I’ve figured out what to do :sweat_smile:

Can you do anything so the kingdom scroll box will not run all over the place?

When it’s on “all kingdoms” it is all the way to the right, when on “hero:classes” it all the way to the left. on individual kingdom it’s somewhere in the middle. Kind of hard to operate it like that…

Yes, good idea :slight_smile: .



I’ve finally taken the effort to start using this. However, as I play mostly on iOS, the requirement to select the GemsOfWar install folder everytime is onerous. I don’t mind selecting it once so you can load the pictures but I’d expect to be able to deinstall GemsOfWar after that.
Or even an option to not require access to a GemsOfWar install folder at all, where I know it means I won’t have the nice pictures but default pictures or even only text…

Edit: Nvm this part

I understand your issue. In fact, since the software is not using the json file anymore, it don’t really need this folder. Only for the pictures.

You can use this new version:
If you cancel when it asks the folder, ii will load only the pictures in the local folder.
I recommend to do it once with the game folder to have at least all the pictures of gems/stars. The last features don’t work without the star pictures…

Enjoy ;-).

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For me the stars no longer line up with the number row. Plus there are two identical rows of stars.

I forget to say that everyone have to remove the picture named “kstars0.png” in the picture folder. It’s required to force the copy/paste of the stars.

If it didn’t resolve your issue, please provide a screenshot ;-).

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I removed it but it re-appears there as soon as I click “Update database”. Here’s how it looks:

What your kstarX.png look like in the picture folder?
What do you have if you click on the down arrow in the right part?
Do you use Windows 10?

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Screenshot after down arrow click:

Yes Windows 10.

I know. In fact, the picture is put as a backgorund in a sort of mozaic mode. That’s why you have this result.
It should work now :slight_smile: :

And you have some issue because the text is too big (Tr…). You can modify the “factorFontSize” parameter in the configGoW.xml to reduce it (try 0.8).

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That’s much better, thanks.

The overall box with stars and numbers is still big enough that I have to use the up/down arrow to see one or the other:

Is there a config edit that would let me make that whole box bigger?

I add a new parameter in the configGoW.xml: heightKingdomSummary
You should try with 90 or 100.


That worked, thanks again!

Anyone cares to explain this part to me? What exactly are the rules that make a kingdom red or green?

Leonis Empire appears in red for me, even though I only have it on 4 stars, and I have all 8 troops (so I could send it to 5 stars). Adana is in the exact same situation, but it shows in green.

Are your Adana troops all Mythic while your Leonis troops are not? If they are mythic they can reach level 20 so all you need are traits. If they aren’t mythic they can’t reach 20 so even fully traited you couldn’t reach 5 stars.

While it’s true that my sand cobra is not mythic yet, I tried marking it as mythic (so 8 mythic troops), but it still shows up as red.

I did notice that my Adana was actually at 3 stars, and marking enough traits to make it 4 stars made it red as well (even though I could easily send it to 5 stars)

No it’s my mistake. When you put “>” instead of “>=”… So yes 8 troops is a case where the max pts that you can have is 2600pts and the requirement for the next star is also 2600pts…
Nothing about you have or you don’t have mythic.
Sorry and thanks for finding this bug :slight_smile: :

EDIT: The lines of the week:

    <RoyalEngineer nameFile="Troop_K01_06" baseRarity="UltraRare" primaryColor="Blue" secondaryColor="Brown" 

thirdColor="" kingdom="Adana"/>
    <Bombot nameFile="Troop_K01_07" baseRarity="Common" primaryColor="Brown" secondaryColor="" thirdColor="" 

    <DRACOS1337 nameFile="Troop_K01_08" baseRarity="Legendary" primaryColor="Yellow" secondaryColor="Purple" 

thirdColor="" kingdom="Adana"/>

Sorry, I’ve just found out about ToDo Monitor, and I’m a bit confused: Do I have to anything with this code in order for the 3 new troops to show up? Add it manually do database.xml? Do I always have to do this with new troops, so I have to keep track on this thread?

Thanks a lot, this is really great =)