Gems of War 2.0 Preview - Part II

Death, War, Famine and Pestilence would make a fantastic lineup. There are already theme-appropriate status effects for each one.


Somehow I read the typo above and casually accepted to myself that thereā€™d be a new category of traitstone called this. :slight_smile:

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lol, Iā€™m the tpyo knig!


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It could also be based on the book serie ā€œIncarnations of Immortalityā€ where the heroes are: Death, Time, Fate, War, Nature, Evil and Goodā€¦ Seems like the kind of reference @Sirrian would useā€¦


Little more niche though so seems less likely. Certainly possible though, and Iā€™d prefer more than less! :slight_smile:

first time i feel kinda sad after reading a spoiler for this gameā€¦ (because I wish this would have been a surprise for longer)

damn you, curiosity! :fist:

Sorry! (I tried to keep it a spoiler but the conversation has gone to plaintextā€¦).


A lot of the troopsā€™ quotes are would be considered ā€œnicheā€, but I tend to agree with you.

totally not your fault, it was a spoiler and i clicked to reveal it.

So @Lyya, do you know what kingdoms they will belong to? I havenā€™t look at the game files in a long time.
Death would probably be Khetar?

Nope, that seems to be a secret still. Right now they donā€™t have kingdoms.

I have a guess, based on what Iā€™ve seen in the files, buuuuut Iā€™ma keep it to myself.

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#Summoning Vindication

My assumption is that they have a unique bonus, similar to the Imps. Or maybe theyā€™re scattered among the Kingdoms but have a special bonus when paired together, essentially giving them a third type (in addition to troop and kingdom)? That would be really awesome, though seems less likely.

Whatever they decide to do, I imagine all four at once will be scary as hell. And given that, every level-1000 will have all 4 within a few microsecs of their availability. :slight_smile:

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They said in the video one/month, no? So itā€™ll be 3 months and 1 microsecond :grin:

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I doubt anyone would use 4 base mythic troops. The video said they have high mana costs. Between mana drain, mana burn, whatever Moloch is considered, and Psionā€™s legendary ability, no one would use more than 3 base mythics on a team. At least 1 would be needed to get them started, such as Mercy. :wink:


Could be like Pratchett with or without Gaiman - War, Famine, Pollution, DEATH, Chaos . . . Oooh, my toes are tingling!

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This gives my name new meaning.

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The power of that sentence invalidates your positionā€¦effectively? Well that can still be argued.

If i can collect 4 of them (how much will they cost for a month to buy them?) then i will.