A New Mythic Approaches - Death

I wanted death for ages and a few months ago I opened 50 gem chests… Up popped death… And another… And abynissia! Lol


So is this the right thread to ask for a buff to a mythic troop that was meh before last patch and now is just really really bad?


Most certainly sir! :wink:



What if Deaths skill was rather: Kill a random enemy troop. Then Deathmark all enemies. Can only be used once like Maw skills. Mana cost could be taken down to 22.


I think that might feel a bit too powerful. It also has controversial elements in it with an Instakill + hard RNG. If Death is supposed to have a safe kill like Maw it should probably not also apply Deathmarks imho.
Anyways i am no designer, i just came here to say right now he is underwhelming af. :wink:

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The kill wouldn’t be as powerful as a devour since he wouldn’t steal the enemy stats. That plus either some deathmarking or heavy split damage would seem about equivalent to Maw if it was a 1-time spell.

I like the idea of a 1-time insta-kill. Death is a troop that should be feared.

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plus also it will be random who Death will kill. Mana might be at 24, tho.

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Lol i think that would just put death in famines place as most complained about troop

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So let they complain, as they always will do no matter.

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I don’t think so. Losing one random troop once in a battle can be overcome. Losing 1 troop while having your entire team mana-drained and your lead troop slowly starved of all abilities is more of an issue.


Yes am not advocating against the instant kill of that idea, Maw and some other mythics(by racking up so much damage in one shot) already do that.
But then rng goes ahead and takes up to 3 more troops out two turns later, it will be frustrating to many players and we look at the same discussion about DM and the concept of the troop Death, that we just had with DK, leading to this nerf of DM.

The mix of a guaranteed kill plus several rng kills is what will be problematic.

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Death should do true damage :slight_smile: . And of course, less damage.

i’d add to his spell:
“then deal additional 10 damage to each deathmarked enemy”

  • deathmark all only afterwards

so he would basically remove the shields then deal some more damage :slight_smile:

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So he would have to fill his 24 mana, fire, fill his 24 mana again before the deathmarks wear off or get cleansed to still deal only about half of the split damage an unbuffed Rowanne does? Not liking it :wink:


yes but id also drop his cost to 22 mana :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: and id change his Doom trait to Deathtouch when at it :unamused:
to me doom is stupid choice and makes no sense, death should be feared more then a silly wraith!


I think that this guy deserves a buff, and a simple one at it. Just make its damage true damage - so it goes along with its third trait.


Death needs a lot of love. He’s hands down useless in any of my teams

You can survive Famine, Plague or War… but you can’t survive… Death.
I’ve ever thought that Death deserve to be the best unit in the whole game.
By now, au contraire, is almost useless.
Change his ability to True Damage would be a good thing. +1


Would midgame - endgame players played him if he dealt some split around true damage, I would not…He would still be pretty useless for me, even if he also deathmarks enemy troops.

Why would they even nerf the DM, is the annoying thing that most of us is still annoyed of.


There is absolutely no point in buffing death… Only result as i said yesterday would be the proletariat clamoring for a nerf because the new meta would be
