Wrong Guild in XBOX GW Bracket 1

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
At reset the 12th guild (SKULLS ESPORTS) was supposed to move up in Bracket 1 but instead the 80th (Bunz of steel) took their place

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This is the second time, a similar situation already happened 8 weeks ago (GW115 14 - 20 Aug)


PlayStation also has some random guild in Bracket 1 which is 160 ranked according to the guild frontpage. Oh dear what a mess this game has turned into.


@Kafka 2nd time this bug has happened, issue might need a little more urgency.

Issue happened before 7.1.


Just destroy guild placed 80th and have fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Problems are:

  • The guild who gets destroyed didn’t ask to get destroyed and maybe some or all of the players actually enjoy guild wars in their normal bracket and now get robbed of that.
  • Not every of the other guilds in b1 has the (most likely) big fat benefit of getting matched against the most likely guild to get 10th place which leads to a big fat lolerjack endresult after the week.


As you can see here: [Investigating] Guild positions after last wars the old reliable and trustworthy friend is back, the “Investigating” -tag (most likely set by a forum mod or dev) and acts as a “honest mistake”. :wink:


Luck is not on the side of the three guilds. But the majority will be happy :laughing:

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That’s going to happen from time to time. In other words. You’ll have that.

OK ! So, this confirms that there is no longer any point in playing this game!!!

The guild war being the No. 1 event! If it is fake, you might as well not do anything anymore!!!

Still no word from the devs? Seems like they could care less about this issue.