That’s indeed very interesting. I did a simple test to see how ridiculous it actually is.
In each iteration, I generated 522 random numbers (your total of verses) from 1 to 4 to simulate a verse. Then I check if any of those 4 has dropped 83 times or less (your brown verses). When it occurs, I register how many iterations it took to achieve that (= probability) and also the verse distribution.
Here are the results:
215.375 ==> [141, 165, 134, 82]
1.156.074 ==> [143,157,143,79]
257.604 ==> [154,80,145,143]
726.693 ==> [160,126,83,153]
276.750 ==> [122,83,167,150]
1.153.354 ==> [153,145,141,83]
484.747 ==> [79,153,140,150]
1.097.830 ==> [155,142,75,150]
1.057.209 ==> [179,126,82,135]
301.735 ==> [134,82,166,140]
204.876 ==> [83,145,153,141]
1.934.581 ==> [147,83,147,145]
1.196.335 ==> [131,139,83,169]
616.995 ==> [152,76,150,144]
920.357 ==> [145,144,152,81]
279.521 ==> [146,159,80,137]
1.669.933 ==> [164,141,83,134]
258.163 ==> [80,149,149,144]
76.204 ==> [159,151,83,129]
895.979 ==> [154,145,140,83]
1.306.173 ==> [137,80,149,156]
204.469 ==> [143,165,133,81]
1.258.673 ==> [146,139,82,155]
724.478 ==> [139,150,81,152]
154.376 ==> [149,81,157,135]
853.452 ==> [149,79,148,146]
195.404 ==> [81,152,143,146]
676.824 ==> [81,156,150,135]
14.264 ==> [144,167,82,129]
191.478 ==> [161,78,143,140]
134.715 ==> [162,128,152,80]
100.780 ==> [82,144,146,150]
533.105 ==> [168,140,131,83]
416.613 ==> [154,123,162,83]
822.370 ==> [150,137,152,83]
124.805 ==> [152,134,82,154]
3.847.579 ==> [82,152,151,137]
353.745 ==> [149,81,144,148]
1.320.181 ==> [139,157,83,143]
1.680.935 ==> [131,161,147,83]
On average, that is 1 in 742.368,35. That is based on 40 samples, but since the difference between the first 20 samples and second 20 samples didn’t differ awfully much, I think it gives a good idea.
Conclusion: Since it’s not the first time that someone complains about this and GoW definitely doesn’t have even close to 740k players there’s definitely something going on.