Which of these 8 troops are you most like?

yup, only that you are not much judgemental.

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Whereā€™s my Roc option (I am a Roc, I am an island - or just Roc Island)?

  • Only good for one thing
  • Not even very good at that thing
  • Short name
  • Generally perceived as filler content
  • Been around a while but hasnā€™t learned anything new or useful

I like Lava Bae, and Frost Queen. But, whereā€™s the ugliest of them all cough Xathenos cough.

Of those probably a male version of the frost queen.

@Jainus You must be Armour Daddy? :rofl:

In work I guess I m clearly The Boss tooā€¦ so maybe both of thoseā€¦

Yup, but you are definitely more Armour Daddy than The Boss.