What is the most underrated Horror or Sci-Fi movies?

Really now… split 2016… unbreakable 2000… You sure you got the right movie in your head?

Why do you think Bruce Willis was at the end of Split?

But yes I’m talking about this…

Not this

Yes and the overlap is literally less than a SUGGESTED cameo by different actors. That’s hardly enough to call it a sequel.
It’s in the same franchise and that’s it.

It was most definitely a setup for a third movie though with the characters of both films in it.

Then it’s a sequel… Like Prometheus was a prequel to Alien. I feel like we’re arguing semantics here though.

Thats like saying guardians of the galaxy is a sequel to iron man… yes they have related things going on but no not a sequel. It’s more of a collection of movies that go together. Not exactly sequels.

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I was just thinking that. But not in the way you were.
I was thinking how Infinity Wars is a sequel to all of them. Even though all Thanos ever did before was make cameos.

Also to get back on topic of underappreciation:
Final Fantasy The Spirits within was a brave and unique realistic approach to the animated movie. Its story is a bit thin but for its time it looked really great.
Sadly overall it failed comercially/critically and now we are doomed to have the animated movie sector to be dominated by Disney and consorts run of the mill films with the same 5 ‘oh so funny’ archetypical characters in different setups over and over again…

On a somewhat related note I wished Blur Studios would actually produce full animated movies, the game trailers(short films) they produce are ridiculously amazing.
Whether you like the game SWTOR or not, their trailers are incredible and will make you wish for a Blur Studios animated Star Wars movie instead of … ah well better not get into that :wink:

Some sci-fi

Some horror

A bit of both


One to mention that didn’t get as much attention as it deserved, and was fairly good for the time, ‘Legend’.

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My brother just made me watch it for the first time last Friday. I’m glad he did!

Was good? STILL is good. Lol

“Would you like to know more?”

I clicked this post just to see if this movie was on here or add it myself. We pretend that Starship Troopers 2 doesn’t exist, 3 is good, and 4 and 5 are good even though they went the animated route.

Oh, you said you wanted to know more. OK, Starship Troopers should have won an Oscar for Best CGI in 1997. Unfortunately, it went up against Big Unsinkable Boat that Sinks.

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Was this brought up yet?


Not in this thread, but is that movie underrated?

More like over rated. What a POS. And I’m actually a fan of Guillermo del Toro

I doubt it, too good to be underrated, it’s just one I really liked. Apologies.


Loved the movie and thank you for mentioning it btw, gonna watch it again soon! :slight_smile:


You’re welcome, I looked at the rating, 8 out of 10 stars, so definitely rated correctly…please direct me to the good movie thread that isn’t for underrated movies only. Thanks.