What I'm really sick of... Bonestorms when there is no bonestorm

I know you’ve all been there. You end your turn with like two skulls on the board and they’re on opposite ends. “This seems safe” you tell yourself. Next turn AI makes one match and fifty skulls drop. Oh, did I exaggerate? I did, because it only takes three skulls to make a match, and that’s enough.

Case in point: I just made a skull match so the AI couldn’t make it themselves next turn. Immediately another skull and doomskull drop and give the AI another skull match on their turn.

Now I completely understand that it probably just looks like skulls drop more than other gems because they stand out against the six colors, but random skull drops in delves when the enemy has 200+ Attack and your troops have 0% skull damage reduction because the troop design is trash really, really sucks.


Or the equally dreaded “This won’t give the AI a skull match or a 4 match/free turn”, or any turn, as it turns out…so the AI shuffles the board and wipes my team. :rage:


All-Seeing Eye final room has for sure bonestorm running. :crazy_face:

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My favorite is getting a Bonestorm when there is no Bonestorm with Holiday skulls.

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A pet peeve of mine as well in this game. I’ve never played a match-3 game where this (getting strings of 2+ of the same gem/skull in a row in skyfall) is an issue, except for this one. While a bit more acceptable when a storm is up, I guess, it shouldn’t ever happen when there is no storm.


Tell me about it!!

I’ve never seen so many skulls. The worst offender is Leprechaun.

He’s followed closely by Chief ‘Self Destruct’ Dargon.

From Zero to not Hero - 3 sky skulls #1

^^ it looks as safe as it can be. I can’t do much else as Setauri is going to cast and cause mayhem with skulls, so I need attack on the other troops… I pull Dargon at the brown gem at the bottom right…

3 sky skulls align from zero, #2 no skulls in area, second time in a row… ^^

Dargon 1 killed.

So I fill Asp, pass turn, Here comes AI Setauri.

Setauri backfires for AI - bless him - leaves 4 combinations of skull matches, but nothing where I can go again after matching vs Dargon’s 428 attack…
16 skulls on the board, Setauri can make 6 + 4 more from 2 bleeds. I’m going to cast and there’s going to be 26 skulls on the board… My attack is not high enough, but not much I can do with the skull traps…

Game on!!


Only a 3 match occurs in the cast - rofl…I mean lmao :roll_eyes:

So here we are after AI matched 3 skulls after me…

Again, rofl… :grimacing: a plague of skulls still…

So now, no way I can trade 3 match skulls. 201 skull hit on Stoneskin, plus bleeds, I’m going have about 40 heath on Dargon after a skull hit. Got to get creative somehow…

Too risky to try and cast Dargon in the skull forest, so

40 health… 3 sets of skulls matching 3…

So try and be creative, cast Dargon on the green gem with cursor on it…I suppose it was a Hail Mary…

Bad result, couldn’t avoid the top left falling to align…below, rofl…tbh, but…

So Dargon 2 dies…

Just to show it goes both ways sometimes…

3 skulls after I match 4 yellow…

So… that’s all my luck…

I’ve got 1 move. 3 greens either vertical or horizontal. Decided to go horizontal.

Board shuffle…

where, what how did 3 skulls match here…

to the far right? I mean c’mon, right? :neutral_face:

Asp 12 health…I make a bad move, high risk sky fall, he dies, had 6 health anyway at this point…

So go on a surge, kill Setauri with skulls…

That thing is ready to take all my armour… following Shaman of Set - albeit it passed the turn it gave it enough mana.

No bleeds, 6 skulls anyhow on board, can’t cast yet…

Hmm, could I?

1 bleed 9 skulls, ideally want them all on Asp, so need Set dead…

Ok, but of course it’s full…

947 HP, 3 skull hits, no bleed, got to take the hit first.

6 skulls, all over the shot, no bleed, no way Jose 3 skull hits, 1 from it, over…

So I take the 3 purple near the cursor, it’s safe.

AI takes 3 brown, oops, bad move, 4 yellow will fall…

As you can see, there’s the obligatory skull behind it, with colours to make 4 matches. I reckon this was my only poor choice of move.

In a nutshell however, sky skulls are the worst I can remember…

Don’t forget stuff like this for AI - Gorbil 10% chance to devour plus gems transformed 3:1


So 16% chance to devour as it looks like it made 2 mana from the transform. And of course it devours.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by RNG.

-Robert J. Hanlon

Two turns in.

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