What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened?
I triggered the Sphynx ability, expecting to have the board shuffle. Instead, the board was reset like for Abhorat ability, and instead of having one extra turn, I got three, without a single 4+ match. And by that I mean that after the board reset, I got my extra turn + played another troop spell (the Dark Maiden) + had another turn on top. Weirdest bug I ever encountered. For a moment I actually thought the game was stuck on my turn.
What are the steps to make it happen again?
No idea. I was playing the Arena on Windows 7 if that helps. I had both Firefox and Zoom Player running in the background. It only happened once in my entire GoW experience. I have no clue what happened.
Do you have any screenshots or video you want to share with us so we can see the problem? Attach them to your post!
No, I was really not expecting anything. I’ll try to record the rest of the Arena in case it happens again, but I’d be really surprised if it did.