Weighting my options: Looking for a Guild where Guild Events is optional and is heavily guild tasks oriented

I am looking for a guild where Guild Events is optional, due I am out of juice doing them anymore. Gold donations is no problems for me, same with seals.

I will most likely pick the guild that does the most guild tasks per week.

I am not interested in guilds that forces Discord participation.

I don’t know when I will be available to be recruited, but hopefully this Sunday.

Thank you!

Hey Eika, in Tears of the Dragons the guild event is optional. We have gold dumps every 3 months. Always complete basic and some epic tasks. No discord required.

We’re full at the moment but there’s usually a kick or 2 on Sunday. Judging by your sense of humour and presumed love of cats, we’d be more than happy to have you :slight_smile:

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That sounds really good.

And when I say I not planning to do any guild events at all it may actually be so. Will there be any sour grapes from other members in the group because of this, EVEN if this requirement is optional? Because I do not want to be treated different if I do not do any guild events. If you get what I mean.

What is your requirements when it comes to gold/seals/trophies? And do you have an active ingame Guild Chat? I am not looking for Discord this time.

Yeah there’s no pressure or sour grapes about not doing the guild event. Generally 50-75% play it.

We’re a mix of higher levels that have been together for ages and new players and randoms. We chat most days in the guild chat, there’s usually someone around if you feel like chatting. All nice and supportive, from lots of different countries.

Requirements are:

Gold 250k
Seals 1500
Trophies 100

I’m not the GM but can have a word with her about getting you an invite. Unfortunately gold dump is this week so you’d have 3 months to wait til the next one. We’ve completed maybe 150 LTs, got a couple of mythics drop.

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Thanks! I do like to join you, but I don’t know when, yet. But it would be nice if your GM could send me a PM and hold me updated.

That’s great! I’ll have a word with the GM and PM you over the weekend. No worries if you’re not ready to jump yet, most Sundays there’s a kick or 2 to make room.

And if you can’t play at all cos of holidays/RL issues then that’s cool if you let people know in chat.

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That’s good! We will see this Sunday, or else we wait until next time you have a spot.

Sure thing. I checked the roster and it looks like there will probably be a kick on Sunday.

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We will see then.

Hey, I sent you a PM earlier @redtoadstool. I am ready to join you tomorrow (Sunday), if that fits with you and as long as you have a spot open for me ofc. We can take the rest through PM. Thanks!

Hi Eika, sorry i didn’t see the pm, will check.

Anyway i just checked and we’re down to 29 so come and join us! Do i need to invite you, or will you be able to find us?

Could just take this all to private messages? :thinking:


Yeah sorry i hadn’t used PMs before, wasn’t sure how. Have figured it now.


I think more and more players will look for guilds like this. As there are too many things to do in the game and event rewards are useless for end-game players, also events are hugely frustrating and long and a gem-sink. I also shifted to an event-optional guild a week or so ago. And LOVED my week of not doing the Tower Event.

If you are still looking for one you can check out The Kindred. They complete all Basic Tasks and a few Epic Tasks. That is where I am now. The GM posts a lot in Ingame chat and Channel 001 and 002, so you can easily find them (GM = GoblinCoffeeshop).

I have not found a guild that completes all Basic and all Epic Tasks that is Event-Optional. If you find one please let me know.


Thanks, but I am now in a guild that does all regular and epic tasks where Guild events is optional. Send @redtoadstool a PM, if you want to come over. She knows the situation and when a spot may open up again.

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Do they complete ALL epic tasks? Because a few guilds told me they do but when I checked it out they did not complete even one.

You are right, they complete some of the Epic tasks, not all. But this week everything is done and 140 legendary tasks.

Thank you I sent a PM I hope they will reply.

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Will be great to have you on the team. I am too new to suggest maybe we could focus on less legendary tasks for the week we go all in and rather focus on managing all epic tasks on a regular basis. There is potential for it at least, but we will see.

Yes I am mainly interested in the team score. Basic tasks add 1000 to team score, epic tasks add another 1000.

Legendary tasks are kind of useless…

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