Weekly Event: Twisted Sister

Argh, just spent most of the last week farming Arcane Darks. Oh well, these guys look pretty solid. Looking forward to experimenting with them.

The third trait will only trigger a random negative status effect on one enemy troop.


Really? A mask should hide the face… so why we can see her lips?
And the blade on the right seems quite strange…

For the new card aspect:

  • “Level” on the top right seems useless. If you remove it, you can put up the level number.
  • “Kingdom” will be better on the right than below the nametroop, so you can put down the name

Whatever takes the Black Bands of Mourning off the troops’ face gets my vote. :+1:
I don’t understand the need to double-code the card level, both by color and with the diamonds/stars up high.

A random effect does not bother me, it’s weak.
Dragonnette inflict a bundle of it, for very cheap, and it’s not seen often.

What annoys me is yet another passively applied effect.
These troops have basically a free second spell and are just overshadowing anything else.

Wonder how many people are going to be upset in the morning when they pull the new legendary only to realize that his traitstones leave the shop tonight…


Because a significant minority of players are colour-blind.


[Insert classic Dragon Ball meme here.]

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@Actreal is indeed correct! It greatly helps our vision imapired players. :slight_smile:


Can you add something to help us fingerly impaired peeps? I get repetitive strain buying all those glory packs.



I believe you!!! i need the stones too!!! :wink:

3rd event key!! :grin::metal:t2::flushed:


Lucky bugger.

Cost me 250 just to get 2

Went through 155 event keys one by one. Got two Psions for my troubles. Decided to pony up and spend 675 gems rather than give myself carpal tunnel syndrome buying event keys with glory.

I only wanted one.


Rub it in why dontcha?

Got any extra Chief Stronghorns or Sol’Zaras? I’d happily trade.

250 event keys and over 3000 gems to get the bastard. Not happy! Grrrrrrr

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I assume The Sister should be available for Glory?

Have you restarted your game since the event began?

Yay. Cool. Powerful. Power creep is such a thing…