Vip 3 and free scouting is fantastic. I’d probably buy deathknight armour if I was needing souls or path to glory 2 or growth pack 2.
I bought typhoon of keys as someone gave me psn credit but it’s terrible value really.
@Stan The are like 2-3 weapons that are ‘decent’ as well, Crescendo for example. There are only $5. And can help with bumping up your VIP.
@EmsDad15 I don’t know what your level is but it you haven’t picked up Death Knight armor that gets mentioned every single time this topic comes up (and for good reason!) seriously consider it for $50.
I know the common wisdom is the Daily Gems are not worth it for ‘end game’. But if your read the posts they are filled with I didn’t get x Mythic, and I’m out of resources. So obviously that’s a bit conflicted.
Yes that is correct more or less. I started my guild 684 days ago. I played GoW till I hit level 40 or 50 and than left for about 2 years. I was contacted about 4 months ago by a member of the guild asking if I was ever coming back and that much had changed. I had completely forgotten about the game and came back to see all the changes and I’ve been playing ever since. I usually only play 2 games at a time and play them a lot when I do. Right now that is GoW about 75% of the time and Destiny 2 about 25% of the time. Currently I’m level 1,103 I started tracking levels at the end of July and I averaged over 150 levels a week until I hit 1000 now of course it goes up exponentially every level so it slows to a grind and i’m averaging 11 or so levels a week now.
Strat yeah the reason I don’t play D2 much is because there isn’t much there so I’m pacing myself and only doing a little bit at a time. Part of me likes that the grind of D1 is not in D2 but still it would be nice to have something to do that rewards players after light level 270 once the “weekly” tasks are complete
Daily gold??? That’s probably the biggest waste of real money in game there is. 40k gold per day is only about 10-15 minutes pvp. You would be much much much better off for the same amount of real money you could have the Path to Glory II pack going constantly giving you tonnes of traitstones AND a free mythic every month.