Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

Say that “it’s a change to give people resources they want” is clearly a lie (didn’t use a stronger synonym cause don’t want to be flagged… but that’s what’s in my head) .
This whole thread is clearly a proof that it’s NOT what players want.
So either change the decision or admit that the real decision-drive was not the one stated.
Trust and transparency is more important than a disagreement on direction to take.


The way I see it is if the game becomes not fun any more then I will stop playing it. They can’t get money from me if I stop playing. Using all my gold on worthless Ingots I don’t need is by definition not fun. If more people keep quitting game so you have to run a guild at say 25 people will be not fun. Lots of people in many guilds are talking about walking away. If it becomes more of a nightmare than it already is to recruit then even more will walk away from this game.


If the issue is minuscule minority of players doing too many legendary tasks (we’ve been told that majority don’t do any and we know that majority of those, who complete legendary tasks, only do a handful per week) to a point of ‘abusing’, wouldn’t it make more sense to come up with changes aimed primarily at this portion of playerbase instead of just butchering everybody else along the way as a collateral damage?

For example, instead of maintaining constant cost, introduce a wisely selected quotient that makes each subsequent legendary task more expensive than the previous. You can even divide them in brackets (like tasks 1-10; tasks 11-20; tasks 21-30 and so forth) and use different quotient for each bracket.
Those, who only do a few now, could still manage to do a few in the future; those, who are on the verge of starting to complete some, would be able to achieve that and not be shot down dead (as the upcoming changes will inevitably do); those, who do a lot, should do substantially less.
(Similar systems work, you know. Just look at delves - I don’t see anybody running around with level 667 hoards)

Well, but if the preferred course is a cynical (lie) - we are doing THIS for your good because you begged us to do THIS…


I’m hoping this change will push high level players into competitive guilds, too many are spread around non competitive ones

Also it’s hard for me to buy into complaints about lack of resources from players
I’ve seen so many at the top spend all their keys on Monday, then whine up a storm on Friday “waaaah I didn’t get the new mythic from my 400 keys”
At a certain point, people need to know what to spend and when to spend it, but for many that doesn’t happen


This is exactly my fear. And maybe that is the goal of this change.

Our guild is currently doing OK. We complete all events and get a few LTs every week. But if we lose our top 3-5 players to a more “competitive” guild, that will not be the case anymore unless the other members pick up the slack = spend more gems on events.

I’m not sure what will happen if those members leave. If enough members start playing more, we’ll be ok. But if they don’t, if they just get discouraged and frustrated with the new state of things, then… :confused:


It’s just as likely to push them out the door.

I used to play in top 10 guilds. I actually enjoyed it except for the trophy requirements. At that time, events didn’t have trophies. So, that meant mindlessly farming them from PVP which I can’t stand. So, I went to a guild that does all the competitive parts of the game without asking for a certain trophy count. If I hadn’t found that guild or one like it, I would have left the game for good a long time ago.

The fact that competitive players can pick from several kinds of guilds that value different parts of the game is great. I think it certainly helps endgamer retention.


Expanding on this, but also re-iterating what many have said; I think we get that:

  • (Some) players wanted more ways to get some of these resources

  • There has to be a cost involved; they can’t just be sent for free in the mail

  • They need to be (time-)gated so that we can’t gain too much of an advantage too quickly

The unwanted, unasked for, irrelevant and possibly unnecessary part:

  • Increasing the amount of gold required to reach LTs – by making it necessary for guilds to purchase resources they may not or not everyone may need (“You have to buy THIS STUFF if you want to get to LTs”)

In other words:


Except this is anything but a “small” rebalance…unless the term “small” comes from the difference in the all-important Gem value?

Maybe “small” refers to the relative percentage of the playerbase that will be affected? It’s certainly not a small adjustment. There are far more “some LTs” guilds than there are “tons of LTs” guilds, and the latter will continue to at least get some LTs after the nerf. The “some LTs” guilds will be gutted in terms of being able to earn certain resources (read: keys, and the odd chance for a troop).


If guilds are “casual”
Why is completion of new tasks a priority?

I remember once upon a time, guild tasks gave out only souls, glory keys, and gems. And you could play it so that you only got gems and glory keys. Top guilds were earning about 3k glory keys and 2k gems every week. Might be fun to look through that old complaint post.

2.1.5 was when guild statues were introduced and the old guild tasks went away. All complaints were about some change made to valkyrie.

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It will do exactly the opposite, which IMHO is a good thing. I bailed out of my top-10 guild when the legendary tasks were first introduced, it was driving me to burnout. It is impossible to play the game competitively the way the devs are trying to force people to play, because of the burnout factor. The meta-game doesn’t have anything to do with how quickly you get new mythics; it has everything to do with how many stat bonuses you can accumulate each week. There are now so many different stat bonuses that pretty much all of the troops from the first couple of years of the game are broken due to imbalance. Gem spamming on the board due to ridiculous magic stat values is completely out of control, and devs have shown zero interest in a rebalance or mechanics correction effort. What do they want to do in 4.7? ADD MORE STINKING STAT BONUSES.

The best way to avoid the fundamental broken-ness of meta-game play is to get as far away from competitive guilds as possible.

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Blast from the past (2.1.5 patch notes)…

Legendary Guild Tasks

When a guild completes all 72 tasks (there are about 20 of you right now - more than we expected!), they now unlock Legendary Tasks. Each Legendary task costs 1,000,000 Gold in contributions, and will give 3 random rewards chosen from the following list:

  • 25-60 Gems
  • 100-500 Glory
  • 10-25 Glory Keys
  • 2-6 Gem Keys
  • 2-4 Event Keys
  • 100-140 Guild Seals
  • 20-30 Minor Traitstones
  • 2-6 Arcane Traitstones
  • A Legendary or Mythic Troop
    A guild can complete as many Legendary Tasks as they like within a week. At the beginning of the following week (Monday 7am GMT), everything resets and they must complete all 72 minor tasks to unlock Legendary Tasks again.

(and yes, Guild Seals obtained this way will raise your weekly cap, so they don’t count against the 1500 you can earn normally)

For the record, the total value of items in a Legendary task can vary, but on average, their value is about 150 Gems.

Perhaps it’s the players expectations
It seems to me that everyone wants to be able to get everything every day with as little time as possible
There’s others who are then finished their daily things, but love the game so much that they wanna play hours upon hours with no rewards left for it

Maybe it’s meant as a reward for their loyal obsessed players
As opposed to accommodating the ones that are there to fulfill their joy of getting little presents every day with little or no playtime

Those who threaten to quit because they can’t accomplish everything everyday should just admit to themselves, they don’t enjoy the game so much as the shiny new objects given to them, or are completion compulsive(like a couple people I know that play)

I fall into this category. I used to farm Explore or casual PvP for hours on end. Less so after the Explore rework, but I still play this game a considerable amount more than is necessary to complete all my dailies.

I don’t see how this is reward for us “loyal obsessed players”.

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Because people like u will get more tasks done than those who don’t play as much, hence more rewards than those who play 10 mins

Sure. The players that are already playing enough that they are able to do LTs today want to be able to do them after the update. They don’t want to pay 31,320,000 gold for so-called “epic” tasks that they don’t feel match the amount of gold in value.

A guild that currently does 20 LTs isn’t filled with a guild of people who just “want to be able to get everything every day with as little time as possible”. That’s more work than just doing dailies. :roll_eyes:

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As soon as I hear “gem value” or “key value” or anything “value”, I know I’m being lied to.


but but… it’s a $100 value!


Do you mean tasks in general or the new Epic Tasks? Think we’re talking about different things.

What are we going to do with all these extra Ingots that no one needs. If you have kept up with factions at all then you don’t need any