Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

There are a lot of people that are just barely scraping by but keep going because of our wonderful community. However im afraid this may be the last straw that broke the camels back for many if the update numbers are not reduced or in some way changed to be a more positive impact.


I could imagine that it could work that we will be able to finish the normal guild tasks during the week, get our legendary tasks and will not have a bad nerf of the game and that we will get the chance to finish the additional tasks within a month that all guilds have the chance to get these tasks and not just the top guilds.


What you did not like in my post, that you have hidden it…? :thinking:
No understanding for criticism and sarcasm, no…? Rly sad…

It wasn’t salty that flagged your post but rather multiple members of the community because of your choice of an inappropriate word that breaks community guidelines. Salty and the dev team have never quashed criticism unless it was wildly inappropriate or threatening in all the years I’ve been here. So take it up with the community, not salty.

Oh, and FYI, regarding ingots, absolutely no one uses anything except Legendary and Mythic weapons. I don’t think Devs even play their own game if they think people are out there looking to upgrade common/rare/epic weapons. By the time you actually get in a position to upgrade those weapons, you already have Legendary weapons. Even new players know that common/rare/epic weapons are trash. They’re just inferior in every way. They don’t do as much damage or have as much utility and they strictly don’t have as many upgrades.

I think the Devs are just seriously misguided when it comes to the real people who play their games. They act like they’re doing players a favor handing out treasure maps and epic (or even lower) ingots, when in fact the game would be no different if you:

  • Removed every weapon that isn’t Legendary, Mythic, or Doom level
  • Announced the complete removal of Treasure Hunt

The game wouldn’t change at all for new players or end-game players.


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Just look at the opening post, 19 likes for such an osom news lol.

Never understimate fanboys, i even got reported to sony on our guild psn once when gone in a burst rage about the devs (not one in particular but the one that made Drowned Grotto ;p).

Oh and i got some posts hidden there ages ago cuz dared call the game a “slot machine” too, nuff said.

Ps:if you’re wondering tho, nothing happened other than getting a mail from Sony that told me i was gonna be investigated :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

From the looks of it I’d say yeah, that’s the one.

Sometimes “likes” are just how people archive a post for easier searching later.

This post blew up, so making it easier to search for is no longer necessary because it’s been on the top page since its inception. But people didn’t know that at the start of things :man_shrugging:


Shit is fine, or at least according to Australian broadcast standards.

I typically buy the vault key/gem flash offers as well. It is one of the few offers that actually feels like good value. But, based on what we are seeing atm I am passing for the foreseeable future. Vote with your wallet.

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They just want to get rid of LTs.


… Even if it means losing a lot of players.



There’s a bit of social credit that goes on. Keep in mind the flags that hide the post are community flags. People who read the post click the button, and based on some algorithm if enough of them click your post gets hidden. There’s a lot of social engineering that goes on.

Fewer people click on low-traffic threads, so you can get away with more hijinx within them. Since the community is very large there are people who want a zero-swear policy so when you’re in a huge thread like this you have to suck it up and deal with using other words.

Also, it matters why you’re using the dirty word. If you’re calling out a jerk nobody likes anyway, odds are you’ll get more likes than flags. If you’re hurling an insult at someone everybody likes, you’re going to get flagged. If you’re just pitching some random fit, there’s no telling what you’ll get.

It won’t really do for Salty to make a “list of words we don’t allow” because she’s not the one who makes that decision. Random forums posters do. GoW has made the curious decision to have a fairly lean moderation team, but then again these forums aren’t exactly a cesspool so they do fine. There are probably some words you could say in specific orders that would cause Salty to get involved, but I think it’s not unclear to rational people what words might constitute such a forking big response.

The community spoke. They didn’t like your post. The lesson to learn is not, “Those people suck”, but “if I want to keep posting I guess I can’t use that word here”. If you don’t like it, well, that’s how societies work. You can get away with occasional low-grade swears here, but every one you use risks getting your post flagged. Insulting the people who did it as “sensitive” just means they’ll remember you and be more likely to do it next time.


Imagine having 50 members in guild and all you need is under 1mill for LT hahaha still won’t make sense lol
Lot of mutual concerns by majority for once (thank god) and we have only one other choice #RIP GW will be more bs fighting ghost guilds as only few guild be able to maintain and be active at this lvl :cry:
Only if a miracle happen and Dev’s overturn this decision :wink:

If these ‘epic’ tasks are for the benefit of the players and because its something that we requested.
Why are they priced so high out of reach that the people who wanted them won’t be able to afford them?

Also the value of the items being given is less than that of regular normal tasks, so it would make sense for epic tasks to be renamed ‘common’ tasks and be 1/2 the price of the regular guild tasks that we are currently doing now.

Regular guild tasks now are 15.6mil + ‘common’ tasks at 7.8mil = 23.4mil
Still even tho the jump is not very high, it’s an easier pill to swallow and will still block a majority of players from getting LT’s if that is the motive behind these changes. I think less than 100 guilds see LT’s as it is.

I’m really unclear how this update is beneficial to players who requested these resources, if they’re guild cannot afford to help them get them because the prices are astronomically high.


Hi I am from the Guild Morgenstern. We completed every week 25 legendarys, with the new update is this a problem. We need for a 3 trophy fight more gold now i become 3,4 gold thats is not enough. When you played GOW you have not time for this shit idea. Many players quit GOW with the Update 4.7. Bye Luzifer Morgenstern


This is possibly the most unified I have seen the community in response to alterations to the game. There is very little point in offering treasure troops to boost horde faction when you have no gold left to upgrade the horde because of completing the epic tasks in the first place. We were promised a means of reducing the difficulty of pure delves (outside of events) and this is certainly not the means to do so. Those who currently complete some LTS will probably not bother doing so after this update apart from on mythic drop and wars weeks. What’s the point? I see no value in epic tasks rewards at all unless you are amongst the most competitive wars brackets (1 to 3). If this business plan was presented to Lord sugar on the apprentice he would most definitely respond with his “you’re fired” finger. Same on dragons den. They wouldn’t even bother to shut the lift door because the exit would be so swift. I think that capping LTS is a good idea. I also think that capping event buy ins is a good idea, possibly with the exception of faction events because of the virtual impossibility of completing pure delves with faction troops. If Sirrian thinks that players are spending too much time playing then the responsible idea would be to reduce the grind needed to complete events without compromising the gem cost to do so. If this is how he feels then this is absolutely the wrong way to encourage a more balanced and healthy play style. Mixed messages.


Yeah, I think I’m seeing:

  • (Perhaps the positive aspect in the Devs’ eyes) Potentially a narrowing of the gap between the uber-casual and the average player, with the ability to complete tasks (or be in a guild that does) for some of those resources that require playing (tokens, etc.)

    • Guilds that wouldn’t reach LTs anyway can now choose to get Tokens instead of Souls, say.
  • An increased potential for widening the gap between the super-active and the moderately-active playerbase, due to reduced ability to access the still uncapped LTs and the new stat boosts for GW.

    • Part of the logic here is also that ‘more things to spend money on’ means ‘greater chance for disparity’. If everyone only had access to 5 Gold Keys each week, everyone would have much more similar collections.

It seems(?) clear that uncapped LTs are an issue in the eyes of the Devs in terms of the game economy, and I guess I can say I understand why.

Let’s rip off the band-aid; life is short. Cap or remove LTs entirely.

Chances to pull Troops could even be reviewed following this, as the number of Keys would be fully accounted for (with the exception of Glory – that will obviously need proper capping :stuck_out_tongue:).


I’m gonna go ahead and agree with all of that! I was formulating a more in depth response but you stated some of the main points. To add on I think the devs initially thought the delves would be that gold sink. Instead the top guilds and players chose LTs because of the keys and mythic chance. I mean that was a no brainer. The mistake on the devs part was not capping it to begin with. So essentially this one feature could single handily rebalance(to what degree who knows), the economy by redistributing gold to resources and increasing the value of gem and event keys at the same time. Not to mention the value of mythics will go up because of this.

Putting myself in the devs shoes as you have @Jonathan has given me better insight into what might really be going on. Do I like it? No. Do I think it might actually be good for the game as we move forward toward 5.0? Perhaps.

This game is not like other F2P games. You can play unlimited amounts as a VIP 0 (which I am) and keep up with any VIP 20. I’m in a top 20 guild and outside of resource boosts from VIP levels you would have a hard time distinguishing me from someone who paid thousands of dollars to play. That to me is beautiful. Sure, the economy is going to lean more towards having to pay to stay at the top, but what F2P game doesn’t do those tactics? I think we got spoiled as a player base and now we are upset the devs are taking away toys we shouldn’t have had to begin with.

As for the cosmetics, I obviously agree with @Slypenslyde as that is a no brainer move. I don’t have to read any response from a dev to know that is an easy business decision. Everything cost money to develop, but that would be one thing worth doing in the long run. They should have also developed merchandise, another easy as pie business decision. Hell, any good youtube channel has their own merch, and a game with 5 years experience can’t pull together to sell some shirts/salty mugs/mini kafka action figures? Someone over there must have a business degree :joy:

Do not adjust your gold reqs to chase after LTs. You will kill off your guild members much faster. Instead prioritize your guild tasks or come up with a gold saving method for LTs purchasing on specific weeks. Assume this change is 100% set in stone and accept it and plan ahead. For players assuming you need more gold now, don’t change your playstyle or goals unless you really want to. Keep playing the way that makes you happy and at your own pace as once you start adjusting to the games demands you’ll burnout quickly. I’ve burned out each of those ways before so trust me it’s not worth it.