Thanks for the recent changes to Treasure Hunt, it’s much more interesting (economic wise) !
I’m a little bit confused though on the reasons why you put rewards every X moves :
This doesn’t encourage smarter play in my opinion, it just encourages to settle down for the easiest 4- / 5- match any time one shows up.
But the goal in Treasure unt isn’t to get as much turns as possible, it’s to match as much things as possible to get better treasures, right?
So, why not make it so that the reward is for every X match instead of every X turn?
Of course, the number would have to be higher than a meer 15 matches…
Then you could make it so that cascade matches lower the number of matches required faster OR makes the reward better !
The main reason behind this thinking of mine, is that I would usually do a 3 match of green chests over a 4 match because I would get only one red chest no matter how much green chests I match and I wouldn’t consider it worth to trade too much valuable chests for another one (that is less valuable than even 3 of the lower quality chest), but now, the logic of Treasure Hunt would want you to make the 4 match (as long as you are in for the traitstones).
One last thing, I think it was already asked in another thread but… Make a countdown somewhere to show how many matches (or turn, if you keep it to turns) are required to get the next traitstone !
PS : as I’m writting this, the forum automatically suggests me other topics such as this one : Cascades in Treasure Hunt . A thread that was created before 1.0.9 and that also suggests that the player should be better rewarded for cascades. That’s normal, Cascade is a core advanced mechanic of this kind of game, and should be better rewarded that normal matching, a good player should be one making a lot of cascades, not simply having a lot of turns because, luckily for him, he got some good drops setting up easy matches… Well, agreed, cascades can be a lot luck related too ! But a bit less in this mini game than in the rest of the game