The Golden Keep

Hi there!
I’ve been playing with you guys few years ago and had a break. Now I’m back and would love to get back. If you have an opening I will gladly take one. Best community in this game!

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We currently have open spots in Golden Phoenix Inn, Audles, Night Furies, Tigerclaw, Hung Jury and Tidal Knights.

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.

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Open spots this week:

  • 1 Night Furies
  • 1 Tigerclaw
  • 1 Wasted Talent
  • 2 Tidal Knights

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.

Open spots this week:

  • 1 Night Furies
  • 1 Tigerclaw
  • 1 Wasted Talent
  • 2 Tidal Knights

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.

Open spots this week:

  • 1 Golden Phoenix Inn
  • 2 Night Furies
  • 1 Wasted Talent
  • 2 Tidal Knights

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.

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Open spots this week:

  • 1 Golden Phoenix Inn
  • 1 Audles
  • 2 Night Furies
  • 1 Tigerclaw
  • 1 Wasted Talent
  • 2 Tidal Knights

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.

Open spots this week:

  • 1 Golden Phoenix Inn
  • 2 Night Furies
  • 3 Tidal Knights

Feel free to visit us on The Golden Keep Discord , even if you are not looking for a guild.