The Flesh Horror Battlecrasher

There is no limit, the chance does drop off sharply each time you defeat The Flesh Horror so it’s less and less likely you will encounter another each time you do so. The Devil is one of our rarer Tarot cards, so the Soul Harvest event is making this Troop much easier to obtain for the overall playerbase than it normally will be (ie. playing Vaults, which need Vault Keys as a cost for entry, while pvp and Explore don’t have a cost of entry).

I’ve been playing the event and like you, I find it simple to earn 2. However, as with opening Chests, or finding Gnomes, some players will be luckier than others and possibly find 3 or more without too much effort just due to luck, others will find it harder, but the chance is the same for each player at each number of The Flesh Horror’s they have defeated.

Our testers were able to earn more than 2 per day (obviously not more than 2 for every day tested for every tester, but it was possible and as expected - sometimes a tester got lucky, other times they needed to play more battles than someone else in order to have more chances for it to appear compared to others.) This was in the testing phases before we made this event live (and then we had this issue in the live code), and then there was more testing before we made the fix live at daily reset today to ensure it was working on the live servers again.

This is a brand new mechanic/feature/event type we’re trying, so as with all new mechanics we will review how the event went before we go ahead and use this sort of mechanic in future.

At the end of the event we’d be glad to hear how you felt about it, was it fun? Did it feel good? Did you want more rewards (I mean judging by the comments I’ve seen that’s a yes), if you have insights into why the amount you received didn’t feel like enough we’d love to know why you feel that way, do you like battlecrashers in general? What makes a good/bad battlecrasher event for you?

The Devil is a Legendary Troop so we obviously can’t give a copy guaranteed for every battle, so if you didn’t like how this event ran but you like the concept of the event, then what sort of compromise would you make? ie. have a higher battlecrasher appearance rate but use a common Troop instead for the reward? Actually set a cap on number of battlecrashers you can see in one day? If so, how is that better than having the chance to find more if you play more but at a lesser chance? (ie, this current way is potentially rewarding people for playing more than other more casual players, while still allowing our casual players to participate and earn the reward too, but also stops the most hardcore players from getting 500 copies of a special legendary Troop that will normally only be available from the Vault).

Any of these sorts of questions you can answer or constructive criticism you want to share would be great. Feedback is welcome at any point, although, I think waiting until the event is over or at least near the finish is better before we have these sorts of discussions as then you have the experience of the full event to base your opinions and ideas on. Unless there’s a bug we’re not likely to change any details of an event while it’s still running, we would prefer to make sure we have all the data and feedback so we don’t make snap decisions (unless of course there’s a bug! - Totally different matter).