As Requested by a Dev: A Thread about Devs' Actions/Inactions

Historically, this has primarily meant “any player feedback obtained will selectively be used out of context in the future to justify some unpopular changes to the game”, so instead of focusing on the obvious fact that 5 tarot cards is a nightmare crafting requirement for anyone who missed Halloween week, let’s move on to the most noteworthy aspect of this week’s fiascos (of course it’s not the poor QA & undercompensation surrounding Tuesday’s Devilgate, since that’s business as usual by now with this company)

After a week of attempts by the playerbase, both documented and anecdotal, there is absolutely no credible report of a 3rd Devil being found within the same day ( Data Gathering: The Flesh Horror Battlecrasher ), and despite multiple chances to acknowledge this cap (it is a demonstrated cap, for all practical purposes), the mods insist in avoiding transparency while phrasing the ‘odds’ in a way that may keep uninformed players chasing for that reward, that has not been found by any player within earshot of forum members.

This matters, because hereinafter every time this company claims there is a ‘chance’ of getting something, but refuses to disclose what the chance is, we can now refer to Devilgate and go into it with our eyes open that ‘a chance’ may mean ‘no chance’ for all practical purposes…

…and of course the devs’ reluctance to even look into whether the drop rates were broken after the 2nd drop (much like things were broken on Tuesday) suggests that it is not surprising to them that the playerbase hasn’t found that 3rd daily Devil.

With the above facts, time for Caveat Emptor once again.
:blush: :vulcan_salute: