The Faction Designer(s)

Another valid point. We accelerate kingdoms with deeds for the 50% bonus if and when we can. Personally I don’t boost horde and never ever will especially now that gold has been decimated across numerous game modes. My average is 100 and my renown is about 36k. I am not spending gold (now an endangered resource) on faction horde. I’ve dodged that bullet and my stats reflect that. I won’t be coerced or manipulated by this blatant abuse of our weakness against delve team stats. All can be done at 100 horde non faction troops without much issue. That’s enough for me.

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@Thevc man, I wish I could even croissants. Sounds great. I also love how I am consistently being taken out of context. So, with that in mind, once more for the people in the back.

Actually, you know what? I’m not going to type it out again. I am going to quote myself. (If I sound salty, it is because I am. Both figuratively and literally, in this case.)

  • We work at Gems, so are already spending a lot of time involved with the game.
  • We also play in our own time, and can be found working over weekends. You know this, you have seen this. To say otherwise is wrong.
  • It is not unreasonable for us to have normal lives outside of our work, and this game. Especially when we already invest more time and hours into it than a typical working week.
  • (I personally don’t expect you all to bring your work home with you. In fact, I hope you don’t so that you can have a healthy work/life balance, and maintain good mental health.)

Now that I have clarified this, onto the stuff you actually care about!

I have been collating your feedback for quite some time regarding Level 500 Pure Faction runs. I have passed this on to the appropriate parties.

I cannot speak further on whether changes will be made, but please be aware that if we decide to make fixes and/or changes, that it will take some time. We will need to iterate on them several times, test them, AND fit them into our update schedule.

I have done what I can to flag this with our team, but there is nothing else that I can say or do at this point in time. When I have more information, I will let you know.

EDIT: To be even clearer, our team does want to do something about this. However, if something is done it will be down the road, due to the reasons I listed above. (Iteration, testing, update schedule, etc.)


Just separating it to make it easier for those who want new information on the matter. Thank you.


I don’t think any reasonable person would take issue with this. Of course changes take time to implement and get right. But aren’t the recent feedback threads about pure faction events just restating problems and ideas that have been very vocally expressed for over a year already?

I can understand why people wouldn’t feel optimistic now, or lay off on the criticism, when this is not a new part of the game anymore, none of these problems are new, and the response to feedback has been so slow. Was there really no chance to iterate and test any solutions at any time in 2019? What has changed to make this possible now?And what are we supposed to do in the meantime, after we’ve already been told for months that it wasn’t working as intended and that something would be done about it?

For all anyone knows, this could be the same as all the previous times we’ve been told things about pure faction team runs. We still have no timeline and no solid commitment. Another year could pass and we could still be told that our feedback is being collected and passed on, but will take time to act on. What’s different this time that people should be convinced by?


Once again, I think most people agree, but try to point out the obvious time restrictions, not even counting literally every other aspect of delves.

Personally, I’d just like a few updates where old stuff gets fixed and balance changes rather than a bunch of new resources to make old resources obsolete, especially not as fast as recent history.

On a totally related note, everyone can croissant, but only if they pastry.


Thanks for the update. Even if nothing gets done for awhile, the fact that the team is aware of the issues will hopefully prevent future systems from being designed this way. And maybe future delves will have more reasonable faction teams.

I think the reason why this is blowing up now is that we’re in between the releases of the two worst faction teams yet (in my opinion). If there’s any way to tweak the upcoming faction before release, it would generate a lot of community goodwill. Changing the spell on the legendary troop so that it just does AOE damage, without the other two options, would be enough for now.

Anyway, thanks again for passing things along to the rest of the team.


I think you are missing a word there, perhaps “afford”, but I don’t wish to assume, or take you out of context. I like your new pic, by the way. Did you change your hair? Jk. Salty Salt, luv it.

I wouldn’t presume to speak for anyone else on these forums. Just know that I do appreciate your efforts. It is often very easy to misinterpret the written word. I often have difficulty in oral conversations as well. And facial expressions, well, recognizing sarcasm, pretty much everything.

Anyway, as long as the dev team is working on a solution, that is good enough for me. Now about GW Brackets…

Well, to be fair 1 year is nothing in GoW seem, look at old event weapons, it took like 3 years or so BUT it got solved no? (i wasnt there 3 years ago but 1 year ago or so some ppls linked posts with same problem and same replies 2 year older).

So let’s join the train of the “Thank You”, in about max 20 months delve problems will be solved, hooray! :3.

Ps: after all wont change my mind, the delve designer is doing an awesome JOB seen is JOB isnt handle to us delves where everyone can get max renown in no time and effort but make GoW more and more successfull on DEVS/505/Digital Bros eyes, goal reached when with 3 millions points is already a lot if you’re on the bottom of LB on new delve events lol.

Somewhat off-topic, but can you upload a copy of this sheet somewhere?

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@igniteice…I think for maxed factions, having a column for whether or not potions were used (and how many), gem cost to complete and number of battles (events only) required would be useful. Time invested too perhaps, again if it was a one or 3 day event binge.

So the comment that inspired this thread that used to be above the one in the OP was deleted by a mod of some sort.

It used to be between Shimrra and my comment.
If only we could delete shoddy design as easily as mods delete thoughts about accountability for an individuals work.


I remember agreeing internally that it didn’t warrant flagging, even if harsh/critical!!! :worried:


Once players started tolerating/supporting the demonstratedly biaised deletion ‘rule’ in the bug reports section, this slippery slope was borderline inevitable.
:sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:

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(I) Disagree!! :stuck_out_tongue::man_shrugging: But I’m feeling off-topic.


completely agree with your statement. i’m a desginer at btw. hope you like

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It’s not going to happen. When raids/invasions first came out most players asked for a “sigils spent” column so guilds could enforce minimums. The devs argued “this would reveal which players spend money” and they felt that was private information.

What they mean is, in general, if you make a person see how much they’ve spent, they are more likely to break the cycle. But if you obfuscate it and let them stay in the moment and they can lie to themselves about how much time/resources they spent, they keep going.

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He’s talking about my spreadsheet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Indeed. Gem ‘cost’ has no direct correlation to monetary cost. I’ve never bought anything with money but that doesn’t mean I can’t “afford” to max a faction in 3 day events.

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