Terrors consecutively leave multiple troops in 3rd position

Platform, device version and operating system:
Galaxy a71
4x speed
Screenshot or image:

Screenshot shows nimue info despite card showing eldritch mininon. Both troops are stacked on 3rd spot.
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
After terror occurs on 3rd and 2nd troop, the troop order should be 1423. Instead, 2 troops are in position 3! You can alternate between the 2 by clicking the 3rd position multiple times.
I had hero, nimue, green seer, eldritch minion. Afterwards terrors, it was hero, (none), eldritch minion over nimue, green seer.
Expected hero, eldritch minion, nimue, green seer

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Probably since intro of terror status.

Steps to make it happen again
Terror has to be on multiple consecutive troops, and it has to trigger on multiple consecutive troops. This is < 1% chance


Yes, I had this happen on Steam, as well, a bit after terror gems came out.

I suspect it’s because, as you say, both are triggering the move down at the same time. They aren’t processing one and then the other.


There’s a related bug where certain cards incorrectly remain on the board after Terror activates. That does not making it any easier to figure out what’s actually going on here.

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