Suggestion: Redistribution of Guild Guardians

Given that we currently have 6 Guild Guardians in the hidden realm Guardians (which does not contribute anything to the player) and I believe we will soon have 6 more, I would suggest that they be redistributed among the kingdoms of Krystara.

Just as Doom-type troops and GW reward troops are distributed across kingdoms, Guild Guardians could be present in the kingdoms of Krystara, where they would contribute more to the Kingdom Star Power they were part of and to battle teams ( mainly at Raid Boss events).

If the Guardians kingdom is removed, it will not affect the players at all. Unless, with 12 troops in the realm, the Devs decide to put some exclusive bonuses on this realm. However, I find this unlikely considering they are all ordinary troops.

It is the suggestion. In the kingdoms of Krystara, the Guardians would be far more useful than they are today.

Lord MeghatroN - Gems of War’s player since 2014.
Leader of the Raptors Brasil guild (Brazilian Gems of War Community).