Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

The issue is, as you said “You are using end game stuff.” The stellarix counters are all end game stuff because stellarix is GASP…and end game monster


^ answer here in your post

But there’s a lot, that dint want to team build.
Don’t want to take 6 turns to win, on this forum.

They want one shot, kill all enemies, as quick as possible.
With no chance of losing.

Like iv said on a previous post, your way to nice.
Always thinking the best of the posters on here.

Shame they don’t reciprocate.

Like I said.

Different opinions get banned, by the pack.

There’s ways around it, in 2024.

done lol. And posted two teams to boot :slight_smile:


You brought up a great point earlier I didnt consider in that not everyone has the endgame troops necessary to counter. I’m a Bracket 1 player, but I am missing a ton of troops. Either campaign mythics and vault troops that simply wont drop for me. I also dont have Stella or 3 of the other Cosmic Dragons because I rarely ever get Perfect runs for Dragonite. I have to do my own team building a lot because the teams my guildies recommend for events or GW because I simply dont have some troops. It is easy to say just figure it out when you are Alabama and keep winning National Titles with the best players at every position. I don’t want nerfs, but something definitely needs to change with PVP. I do think having 1,2 and 3 trophy teams be the same exact defense just in a different order is a big part of it. Im also still leveling 5 classes and I cant do that in PVP anymore. I have to use Elemetalist to stand a chance. I cant imagine what an early game player would do other than spam low level Explore all day for 1 class point


More varied opponents would certainly help! Then those that don’t want to fight Wand/Stella or Wand/3xTak all the time wouldn’t have to.

And yes, OK guys, point taken: there are counters to Stella: I’ve been using Ctharrasque on yellow and brown restrictions, and tried out the Zuul counter yesterday with reasonable success. But still: even if you’re winning more than you’re losing, it’s not much fun fighting the same team over and over and over, with the only variety between battles being whether you get lucky or not on the starting board.


Not as loopy as they used to be though:


I want to be clear that this is a valid point, so don’t take this as bashing your perspective. The meta is absolutely always changing and there’s always going to be some top-notch team that tends to outperform others.

I think the reason the infinite looping has been brought up more lately is because it’s getting near impossible to counter.

Let’s go back to Ye Olden Days when goblin teams were the meta. They were (are?) freakin annoying to fight. However, lots of troops/weapons can freeze enemies, and lots of goblins use green/brown. You freeze one, you cripple the team dramatically. It still requires thought to counter, but it’s not too terribly difficult. (I remember years ago when I got Gobchomper and felt like I had cheated death!)

Fast forward to present day. The enemy casts Wand of Stars. This starts a loop chain similar to goblins. Okay, so we freeze a troop, right? Well, we can’t, because Wand of Stars blesses the opponent’s troops. Oh, and they’re probably using Elementalist (because there is very little reason NOT to use Elementalist), which can severely cripple every troop on your team with one Wand of Stars cast, let alone several.

Are there ways to counter the crippling effects of Elementalist? Yes, absolutely. However, it’s nowhere near as easy as countering goblins, especially for new players. The primary counters to Elementalist are Wand of Stars (an end game weapon) and Queen Beetrix (a very specific mid-game Underworld troop). Zuul and Ctharrasque are also obviously mid-late game content.

Personally I’m of the opinion that Stellarix is less of a problem than Elementalist. Stellarix is one of the hardest, if not THE hardest, troop to acquire in the game. We also need to keep in mind that a lot of people are fighting it with the 50% enemy stat buff in Blood Frenzy. Extra turns and looping are one thing. The ability to loop near infinitely while simultaneously blessing your entire team and freezing, stunning, and entangling (and burning - whatever) the opponent’s entire team? That’s far less counterable than past metas, again, especially for newer players. While new players might not fight WoS and Stellarix as often, they’ll certainly come against people using Elementalist with the third trait unlocked.

TLDR - There always has been and will be a meta, however, it’s vital that such metas have viable counters beyond one mid-game troop and one late-game weapon.


Upvote x1000

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Great reply.
So il counter.

Early game players, should play the easier outer rings.
There’s no reason an early game player, should play the hardest enemies.

Every other game is like this, for reference.
Different leagues in rainbow 6

And il ask you a question, do you still win games.
I presume you say yes
Do you win less often
Il presume you say yes.

Isn’t that the main issue , why everyone is complaining.

It’s not that they lose ten out of ten, or 100 out of 100
It’s that they don’t win as often or as easy.
Or as quick.

You know iv stated the truth there, no lies.

Any game I play on any device, if I can’t do a mode, I choose another mode, or a different part of said mode.

I think that PvP is harder now, I also completely agree elementalist is way to overused, just like the journey troops prenerf.

Il just add, that I’m probably different than 99 percent of the player base. I do actually have fun. For instance.
I play central spire, I use a random class till I lose, then go to the next class, today was diabolist.
I use wand and the last 3 mythics I obtain.
So at the moment it’s Takshaka, king stormgarrd and tihamata.

Am I getting wins against , zulll, stellarux,Takshaka teams.

Yes I am. That’s why I know, a lot of people are not completely truthful on here.


I enjoy the new PvP too! Honestly if there were more counters for Elementalist and/or the third trait was nerfed slightly, I’d be more than content. I know that’s not a super popular opinion though :grimacing:


I’m against nerfs for one reason
Each year as the game moves on

We will get stronger , troops and classes it’s obvious to me.

16 to 20 mythics per year plus 2 new classes.

So whatever we hate now, there will be a new hate in the future.

The troops have to get stronger, as new spells are created.
The same with classes.

So I just play the game and have fun.
I fought a Stella team the other day, his stats added up to over 500 accumulated armor and health.
It would take 4 diamantina hits.
Did I lose, hell yea.
Did I cry or did I move on to next fight, with little thought of the loss . I did the less stressful,less annoying 2nd option as it’s just a game.

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You know what I’d like? buff some of the YEARS OLD CLASSES that are worthless!


Did the feedback indicate SPECIFIC areas where Stellarix didn’t feel “good enough” ? You buffed its spell power multiplier, yes, but the bigger complaint (and which was not touched by said buff!) is how Stellarix can uniquely generate its own Mana where the 13 other Dragonite troops before it cannot:

  • The six Gem Dragons convert a few of their-color Gems to same-color Giant Gems. However, as a like-to-like conversion (blue to blue, etc) this doesn’t alter their matchability so unless they also get an Extra Turn it’s the opponent who gets first crack at grabbing those Giant Gems.

  • Diamantina converts a few Skulls to Doomskulls, but this is ALSO a like-to-like conversion that doesn’t alter the matchability of the board, and it may well be the opponent who gets first shot at using them.

  • The six Cosmic Dragons convert a few their-color Gems to same-color Dragon Gems, but again, like-for-like conversion, hope you get an extra turn to use it.

But Stellarix is fundamentally different:

  • Stellarix performs Gem creation instead of Gem conversion. Stellarix’s spellcast can create new matches on the board when the other Dragons cannot. And This. Is. HUGE.
  • Stellarix creates Heroic Gems that can match multiple colors simultaneously and chain into each other, potentially exploding half the board generating a lot of Mana (even at 50% yield, just ask a Green Natureborn Hunter team).
  • Stellarix also collects all six colors, meaning that setting off 3 Elemental Stars + 3 Umbral Stars at the same time yields a minimum 18 Mana (remember: Elemental Star = +1 Mana x 4 Colors, Umbral Star = +1 Mana x 2 Colors) and suddenly that “32” Mana Cost can recast for just ~10 more Mana or so.

Well … yes but actually no?

Yes, technically it takes 10% more Dragonite to get Stellarix than Diamantina. BUT. When Diamantina debuted all players started at zero Dragonite because it was a newly added resource type. In direct contrast, players were able to stockpile Dragonite well in advance of Stellarix’s debut – statistically, anyone with about 20k Dragonite could possibly get Stellarix on day one, which was NOT the case with Diamantina.

…and don’t forget Princess Fizzbang!



I often paraphrase or summarise because I don’t have time to go into the specifics if they’ve already been posted by other players or myself in the past. Not great for anyone new to the discussion sometimes, but anyone who is that deep in it knows what I’m referring to, otherwise I will take the time to try to expand on things.

EDIT: I always go into the details when reporting to the team. Thought I’d add this as I realised the above comment could be taken that I paraphrase when reporting too.


it doesn’t change the acquisition cost that makes stellarix theoretically harder. of course the biggest problem is the rng aspect of acquisition.

the other can of worms

doesn’t matter people could get it day 1, they still had to pay the cost


ya know… instead of nerfing troops, its a pretty good argument to release better quality lower rarity troops that can perform a little better in the current environment.

troops like these don’t really help anyone, even new/lower level players…

at the very least, 3rd trait changes for neglected hero classes like Warden are things everybody can eventually access…


These are awesome solutions and I’m sure they will help some. I’d love to fight something else than Stella/Tahskhaka on red and yellow day, something else than Stella/Gray King on brown day. But the thing is, these are just the best combos on this day, and if people have them - they will use them. People want to win, there’s nothing wrong with that. But this is where you get the result that we keep seeing the same teams over, and over, and over, and over. As long as we can’t set our own defenses, the enemies offered WILL gravitate towards the current meta, because that’s the end gamers are using, because, well, you’re using the strongest teams you have. Bring back defense teams, and you’ll have 99% of the problem solved too - some people will set teams identical to their attack teams just to spite the other players, some people will set up easy defenses, some people will just throw 4 troops together and be done - just like it was before the changes. Taking away defenses radically increased the difficulty of the entire mode just because - surprise - people LIKE TO WIN!

People are talking about counters - but the problem is that we don’t have access to our own slots, and depending on what the enemy is using - the counters differ. So, if you make sure that we are getting 3 different enemies to choose from, they will likely require different counters. And it is a major PAIN in-you-know-where to keep rebuilding / changing teams when you can’t save the previous version without constant copying and pasting.

If you make sure we always have easy-middle-hard option & three different enemy teams to choose from, the lack of access to slots will be an even worse pain. Add to that the fact that our teams get cleared whenever restrictions shift at weekly reset - and you’ll have a very angry player base again. Right now, at least there’s one enemy team that appears over and over, and we can come up with ONE team that has satisfactory counter. We have a variety of teams, we NEED at least 3 slots in each restriction to adapt to that. And the teams must get saved between weeks and when restrictions change locations, including when a given restriction doesn’t appear on one or more weeks - when it’s back, the teams should be back as well.

People focus on color-restrictions, and want to nerf Stella & Wand. But that’s not a solution to cure all what’s wrong with the mode - these two are a pain in the 3 color-restriction regions, but just think about outer regions - e.g. giants - about 99% of teams had Baldr & Hyndla, which are not mythic troops at all, but they are not easy to counter - all battles ended up a contest of “who can fill their Baldr first and has better luck looping”. It’s not just about Stella & Wand.

The problem with Stella & Wand isn’t really that harsh in Central Spire or when you meet her in Explore 12 in Vulpacea - one, people are using a variety of teams, and two, they are not boosted by blood frenzy. 50% to stats is CRAZY high, and this is also a part of the problem. It’s not that Stella is too strong on her own (she’s PERFECT the way she is), it’s the stats boost that makes her (and Takshaka, for that matter) able to kill player’s troops in one cast. Stella also isn’t a guaranteed win in the player’s hands - and this is something that many people on this forum don’t want to hear.


The biggest blunder imo is the defense being your last attack. This wasn’t a smart move. It just fills every zone with the meta for that zone