(!) Spoiler Alert (!) - Post Taransworld, links to info

Sadly, Taransworld (probably the best 3rd party site for information about the game) is due to close in a few days. I’d like to say a huge thanks for all the hard work given and the information made available, and it’s a shame to see the site coming to an end.

However, since I don’t want to lose easy access to information, and I assume others feel the same way, I figured it would be good to have a post here, where we can all share links to important information, like the monthly event planner, and weekly updates, plus relevant spoilers (like to the next upcoming mythic release or the next campaign).

I’d ask that we keep posts short, with mainly just the links and descriptions of what they are, so that players can easily find what they need. Any further information can be given in the places being linked to. I’ve marked this post as potential spoilers, since some links may lead to information that counts as spoilers, just to be safe.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you need more information here, that we can try to keep sharing. Plus feel free to add links to other 3rd party locations that also have useful information for the current or upcoming goings-on. Thanks. =]


January 31- Current relevant forum links.

January Event Calandar: January Event Calendar - Official News - Gems of War | Forums
Current Campaign: Campaign Begins: Crown of the Decaying Queen
Weekly event: Rotten to the Core - Official News - Gems of War | Forums
Current holiday event: Holiday Event: Lunar Reflections - #18 by Jeto
Current bounty event: Bounty Weekend - Tauros Gladiator


Just before it goes down, here’s the currently listed spoilers for upcoming troops, from Taransworld. Thanks to them for the information, and spoiler warning for what’s shown below.

From then onwards, it just becomes unable to give information. Hope these are useful.

For further spoiler information on upcoming troops, you can check this page, but it’s not as organised: (!) Spoiler Alert (!) – [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2) - Spoilers - Gems of War | Forums


Thank you @Zuul-Emo ; Screenshot was a good idea!!
Still shocked about the news… where to check trophies, Guildstats, Heroprofiles etc. now? Taransworld was almost a daily visit in the last years. Will miss sooooooo badly :disappointed_relieved:


Im starting to hear jim morrison singing this aint good “no safety or surprise…” at least the f*t lady is singing.


Oh, the fat lady is singing her encore now in a fully packed Oprah house!:rofl:

Without Taransworld, we can’t plan for the future as well because you have to plan weeks, months, even years in advance to make the most out of your time and resources. As a VIP 11, it has been money well spent, but the value just isn’t there anymore. Even though, it’s kind of fitting that this happened to me now because I am very close to reaching over 23k for my team score and just finished upgrading my final magic bonus kingdom to level 30.

A fitting end for a frustrating, yet enjoyable game. I can see myself in the near future just collecting troops and weapons, not even bothering with how to navigate through the chaos. Living life from one video game to the next, and this gamer is moving on…:wave:


Well, I took blank delve maps from Taran’s site. If no alternative will appear, I’ll just make screenshots and erase card icons to put a letter there.


So no more Tower of Doom map either.
Sad news :confused:

I have really appreciated Taransworld over the years. I will miss it.


This is sad news. :cry:

Do you know if there is an alternative for Guild activity (number or trophies for each player, events rankings, …) ?

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there is this. it isnt as easy to use and not as collaborative

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February 02 - Current relevant forum links.

February event calendar: February Event Calendar - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

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Will really miss all your positive energy in this forum :yawning_face:

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Giving an excellent chance for the game to finally have those TOD rooms marked automatically once someone clears them… This is a nice time for a knight in shiny armor (devs) to appear to help villagers (players) in trouble…


I will stick around for the new guild wars, but it just seems like all of the time and resources that I have invested in this game will be drastically reduced. When you realize how long you spent on trying to navigate through all of the traps this game has set out for you, it’s pretty overwhelming to quit entirely.

It’s just…a lot to take in atm, and I have to learn how to adjust to a new gaming lifestyle. Learning what to do with all of the time I spent on this game is…going to be more difficult than I thought, but it’s for the best.

The situation for me feels a lot like when I gave up on Diablo 3. It’s a great game for what it is, and I still play it from time to time, but when you realize that you don’t need to grind as much, it’s quite a shock because you have to fill that void with something else. And some of my guildmates and other friends might be interested in how I beat the game in my own way, so…yeah, this is going to be harder than I thought…:thinking:


I can recommend crochet to fill the void. You can even make crochet gow characters :heart_eyes:. Is working for me anyway :joy:


very nice, but some have no clue how to work with these :cry:


i still dont fully. going to take some playing with to get used to it

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What ever you fill it with dont use anything sharp.

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this, just this
who is the new CX perhaps they can be tagged, i would i dont remember their name

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