February Event Calendar

Originally published at: https://gemsofwar.com/february-event-calendar-2/

And just like that, the first month of 2025 is already over! A short look at Feb, our shortest month. New Mythic for Leonis Empire: Feb 7th New Pet, St. Meowlentines: 12th Expanded Faction in Dark Court: 14th – 16th Kingdom Pass Event, Divinion Fields: Feb 17th – Mar 2nd *While events are scheduled in advance,…


Two arena events per month? Could one of them be “returned” Guild Wars?

what about vault event?


Wasnt the 21st of feb scheduled to vault?


No vault on the schedule is gonna annoy/upset a lot of players. I hope they clarify this quickly. If we have another missed vault event, after never getting the last one back, expect a massive backlash. Fingers crossed it won’t come to that.


I’ve just noticed that the Vault has been rescheduled from February to March.
That’s a very questionable decision.
We used to have (as we had been promised a while ago) a strict schedule “Vault every four weeks”. What was wrong about that?!


Kingdom Pass is on when vault should be on, and kingdom pass and vault don’t play nicely together. So I guess as long as the 2 vaults turn up in March it should be okay.

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Those was fixed year ago

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Essentially, it feels like GW isn’t replacing Arena (since we’re getting another one), it’s pushing Vault back. :roll_eyes:


That should have been fixed, but if not then they could have swapped vault and faction expansion, so we get vault earlier, rather than having an arena/GW week when the vault should be and having to hope we get that vault weekend later.

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There was a vault event scheduled for February 21st during the arena event, so I don’t know if the devs plan on making that the first iteration of “the new guild wars.” If they leave out the most important monthly event, that’s a big oversight and will frustrate a lot of people.

Relying on automated, official posts from the devs will be frustrating and confusing because we have no other source of information. Waiting on a response from Jeto or other sources is unreliable and will only make people even more irritated.

But I will be honest. I was too addicted to analyzing data from Taransworld and needed to stop trying to be 5 steps ahead. Challenging times are ahead for all of us, and it will be like going white water rafting without a paddle…:dizzy_face:


now TW has gone, (or is about too) there is nothing we can call the devs out on. tough times ahead.


There was an update since I made this calendar, well in advance. The weekends of Feb are:

  • Arena
  • Faction Expansion
  • Vault
  • Bounty

This isn’t official, this is just me doodling over a very nice calendar for my own info. :blush:



See, this kind of thing is what I was talking about when we learned about Tarans closing.

Without a website with real time access to the internal game schedule, all we have are these calendars with possible errors. Really annoying for time management/expectations.

At least this weekend I can completely forget about this game.


From socials

Good riddance


You can also follow our socials where we post the weekend events before they are live.

Thanks Jeto, but unfortunately I am an odd ball in this world. I don’t do social media.


does this mean last arena weekend?

Or you could put this stuff IN THE GAME!!!