(!) Spoiler Alert (!) - Post Taransworld, links to info

@Sokun ??
(10 chars)

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aye thats the one! thank you

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February 03 - Current relevant forum links.

Weekly event: Bear Bones

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At Match Masters for the Tower of Doom, the front runners are going to post the unlock scroll locations in chat and I (GL) am going to collate and post the summarised data in the “Announcements” section at the bottom of guild chat so that the locations are visible all through the week.


There’s folks working already on tools replacing taransworld.

Copy from discord:

  • https://doom.org31415.dev/ - Tower of Doom Map tool. Very similar to the previous one, with small updates: real time collaboration and warning when 2 users are editing, view map as text configurable, checkpoints.
  • Released & Upcoming Troop Tracker
    This spreadsheet does a bare-bones version of what Taran’s site did to show released and upcoming/spoiler troops including planned release date, spell and trait descriptions, and more. There’s a changelog showing the most recent updates. This sheet updated automatically every day.

February 10 - Current relevant forum links.

Weekly event: Gone Butt Not Forgotten - Official News - Gems of War | Forums
Most recent mythic added: A New Mythic Approaches – Mantichoras - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

Hey @Lucien,

The one advantage of the spreadsheet for Tower of Doom is that you only have to type the first two letters of a scroll name, then Tab or Enter, and the full name will be filled in. All the floor summaries and codes are automatically generated from that. Before that, of course, set the tower colour for the week. :smiley:

Let me know if there’s anything unclear in the instructions. (I make no apologies to those who refuse to read them. :wink: )

Of course, this probably doesn’t work so well on mobile devices. Indeed, that’s the main purpose of the short codes.


thank you, i use pc, i dont hate myself enough to do it on mobile :rofl:
the only issue is its not collaborative. my guild take it in turns to do x floors at a time

To clarify, this is not designed to be a long-term solution. It works and will continue to work, but the goal is to have a more user-friendly and polished website do this rather than a spreadsheet. There are community members working on this already and the demos are looking fantastic!

So yes, this is functional, but better options are coming :grin:


The spreadsheet now includes weapon and pet info (upcoming and existing). The changelog is a bit busted at the moment, but everything else works. It updates itself twice daily.


February 14 - Current relevant forum links.

Faction expansion: Faction Expansion - Dark Court - Official News - Gems of War | Forums
New pet: New Pet - St. Meowlentine - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

February 17 - Current relevant forum links.

Event: Perishing Pythons - Official News - Gems of War | Forums
Kingdom rework: Divinion Fields Rework - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

Just should note, just like before - any unreleased content is not always confirmed or balanced in the data that is being pulled to create these, and is always subject to change.

I am mentioning this specifically as I know Flower Dragons are in this spreadsheet and they are still actively being developed.

But crazy work @NerdieBirdie for filling the gap left by Taransworld so quickly!


Added mention of this to a new landing page!

None of this would be possible without Taran’s APIs and community support! Thank you everyone! :partying_face:


Would you please place a link to taranium here?)
And thanks for your work again)

It was linked in an earlier comment:

I’ve allready understood it, but thank you) Landing page don’t look like an ordinary sheet, so I thought that it’s just a web-page, posted somewhere, with a link to a sheet.

Hopefully that means Chrysanthenax’s spell will get a much needed change. While the Angel Gems are nice and all, the Death and Ghost Gems can easily be replaced.

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I wished there was a web version. Then I could use it too. Spreadsheets aren’t working for me. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Have you tried to open link? Haven’t it opened at all?