A New Mythic Approaches – Mantichoras

Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Mantichoras – Gems of War

New Mythic Troop: Mantichoras Mantichoras will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.

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Hey, look at that, day one (yesterday):

via Guild Chests. Had to burn a few purple orbs to reach Lv.4 (my small Guild generally only averages chest Lv.3). Still, at <300 chests I think I’ve spent all my RNG luck for this week (Amethialas’s Underspire team was trouncing me today, Berengari or no).

And is it just me or does his artwork feel . . . smaller size than most? I don’t mean literally smaller, but the line contours feel quite prominent compared to most Troop art, i.e. larger brush width relative to the working canvas size. Or maybe it’s just the color rendering that makes it stand out more, which feels overall like the same artist who did Voidcaller (neutral observation / not a complaint).

Now if only this would happen for a Kingdom that I still have bottlenecked at Power 9…

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