(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Oracle might prove interesting, with Centaur perk, 3rd trait, and creeping death as weapon.

The perks on Oracle do not appear to be normal perks. Any chance you have info on what they do?

Oracle: yellow/purple from Divinion Fields
MAX gem mastery bonus: +20 yellow
MAX Attack=3, Armor=8, Life=13
MAX +5 magic when using purple weapon
Trait 1: Centaur Bond (Allied Centaurs gain 2 Life.)
Trait 2: Invigorated (Gain 1 Life when an ally casts a spell.)
Trait 3: Portent (All Centaurs gain 2 Magic when an enemy casts a spell.)
Perk 1: Vision of Health (Hero gains +8 Life)
Perk 2: Vision of Power (Hero gains +2 Magic)
Perk 3: Vision of Home (Hero counts as Centaur for Team Bonuses)
Class Weapon: Staff of Visions (14 Purple): Give an ally [Magic + 1] random Skill Points. Also give them Barrier and 3 - 10 random Mana.


Basically that. They’ve got interesting names, but they’re the same old traits you see on every other class.

There’s that useless invigorated trait again…

I’ve seen a lot of few HP saves from it. The trait is also a lot better than the _____ Heart many classes have that only give about 0-3 HP total.


True, it’s not the worst trait… but I kinda resented seeing it on recent ‘high end’ legendary and mythic troops…

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So many traits simply do not scale well into late-game. Certain Legendary traits should at least be percentages instead (stares at Hydra).


The game needs more and better reflect traits in general. A whole archetype of team building could be implemented around the reflect tank mechanic. The Puzzle Quest games had it implemented extremely well to make most tank builds into reflect tanks. Currently the only two troops in all of Gems of War that can do it are Hydra and Gloom Leaf, both of which scale abysmally into late game. There needs to be a standard ability with skull reflect and just more traits in general that can counter taking damage. If they never add reflect tanks, the meta will always just be whatever team can do the most damage the quickest.

Not to mention there is 0 spell resistance (50% reduced damage from casts, etc.), 0 spell reflect (50% spell damage reflect, etc.), and 0 spell cancellation (25% chance an enemy spell will fail, draining all the mana) in this entire game. xD

The more I look at Puzzle Quest and their past games, the more I wish they would have taken the better features from them more seriously.


There are so many traits that don’t scale to the endgame. Grudge is pretty good early game, worthless late game.

These types of traits could use some kind of scaling, based on magic or card rarity or something, but I doubt we’ll ever see it.

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maybe they are saving it for later

however if they add spell cancelation i think we r gonna be so rng-ed… :scream: i prefer its never added :confused:

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Interestingly enough it’s doable to deny AI (most) four and five matches (as evidenced by how often my troops get frozen by an enemy mab, and no, my troops are not immune to frozen). But I agree that the Deathknight makes the bad luck from having a four or five match fall a lot more swingier. Too swingy for my tastes.

See also: 15% bad luck on skull match?

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Or it says something like: Wrong prayer!

Soon we will have a troop that has 1% to Devour the entire team… No, just joking/trolling.

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New legendary trait-
Rage quit- 10% chance to devour a random enemy on 4/5 match ^^


I’d like to see a “Faustian Bargain” ability - devour an enemy troop of your choosing and Death Mark all allies.

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Another one: Food! - Devour a random enemy troop OR Devour a random ally troop

Abhorath would be suited to that if they ever changed his spell, in my opinion.

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Yeah, Abhorath should have some Devour in his spell or 3rd trait. But Devour feature was added later…
Maybe next time that Karakoth have new troops, there will be some reworks. Cross fingers